• Last night I was laid out on the couch watching some TV when EL D decided he wanted on the couch. The house was a little chilly so he snuggles in between me and the back of the couch (barely enough room). Maybe 5 or 10 minutes later, I feel him start to wiggle around and then … :eek: ... he pushes hard with his feet against the back of the couch and shoves me off the couch 😃 I didn't have time to react - just boom I'm on the floor! 😃

  • Made my day! Great story..:D

  • LOL, sounds just like my boxer and husband

  • Yea, they are good for that! I laughed out loud at your story, Sahara has stole the couch from me before. I haven't been pushed in the floor yet, but she is only 2 (Jan.31st). Who knows what the future holds, they do think they own the place, haha!!!!!

  • @youngandtired:

    Yea, they are good for that! I laughed out loud at your story, Sahara has stole the couch from me before. I haven't been pushed in the floor yet, but she is only 2 (Jan.31st). Who knows what the future holds, they do think they own the place, haha!!!!!

    But they do!!! Own the place… they just let us live there too, you know for food, water and entertainment value

  • Oh thanks for the great laugh! I know what you're talking about. It's like they have this idea like they are "entitled" instead of a "privileged." Little pirates!!

  • hahaha that is hilarious! Mia does that when we're in bed and I find myself with less than 1/8 the width of the bed left lol…And they try to do it in a cute way like they are simply stretching.

  • My Tri-ing has a little more finesse than that. I was sitting on the sofa and he comes up to me looking earnest. He puts his paw on my knee. I sort of ignore him and he leans into the paw on me knee. "What do you want?" Stares intently. "You've been fed, you have water." Still staring. "Do you need to go out?". He backs up and dances his feet a little. Okay, so I get up, walk around the sofa and go to the back door. No dog. I look over at him and he's sitting on the newly vacated spot on the sofa with a smug look on his face.

  • Priceless!

  • Yup I've had that happen too 😃

  • It's a dominance behavior.

  • Ha ha! They're just looking out for #1 - themselves! They're very witty…

  • I sleep in a king waterbed with 3 basenjis (husband can't stand water bed, I can't sleep in anything else). I might as well be in a twin-sized bed, they are glued to me and sometimes I cling to the edge. I prefer to have a "wall of dogs" on the outside edge, but I usually have one on either side and one at my feet. Eddie will turn so his feet are against me, then start kicking in his sleep. So far I haven't been knocked off the bed!


  • I Have That Problem At Night. Trixie Sleeps In Our Bed And Switches Back And Forth Between My Husband And I. She Sleeps Underneath The Covers And I Always End Up On The Very End Of The Bed Because For Some Reason When She Sleeps All Four Legs Go Straight Out. I Think Thats Why By Back Hurts!! Lol

  • Hahahahahaha Wizard!!!!!

  • Update to the couch sharing incident …
    Last night I was again laid out on the couch, this time with an afghan over me. EL D jumps up a couple of times but isn't satisfied. He searches through his toy box and brings out the most torn up toys onto the couch but still not satisfied. Now he jumps down and pulls on the afghan. Okay I slide off the couch to retrieve the afghan ... only to find EL D now has sprawled over my spot! Gotta love 'em 😃

  • A favorite of mine is to wait till I sit down in the chair with my laptop and then try to curl up on my lap….

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