• Have any of you with a super picky eater found a good food that your basenji loves?

    I have to rotate foods every month or so to keep my 2 year old female basenji eating.

  • I give my girl "Pure Balance", but it isn't her primary meal. I put about a half cup in her bowl and leave it there until she eats it. Her main meal is whatever I cook for dinner (mostly meat and veggies). She loves it! Always fresh. Always something different. Always interesting smells.

    Please understand that a lot of forum members disagree with this type of diet. And, I will add: she is overweight. Something I have tried to address -- without success

  • Thank you. Maybe I will give that kibble a try. Bella also eats some of our leftovers but she is underweight at 18lbs. Trying to get a steady diet to get a little weight on her. Our vet says she’s healthy but all the people who are familiar with the basenji breed call her a mini basenji which can be frustrating as she is full blooded just the runt of her litter.

  • This might not be helpful at this point but I will tell you that my B was such a picky eater in her first year that she was way too skinny. Scary skinny. I got all kinds of advice and nothing helped; I just had to hang onto the idea that she would not starve herself to death. Now, at 3 years old she is a food hog! So she grew out of it and is quite the normal dog and would happily eat her way to obesity! I hope all is well with your girl.

  • @nyoung15 My basenji was super picky when he was a puppy.... until I started to cook for him amazing recipies heheeh, but then pandemic season was over and I had to go back to work and started to give him whole barf ( raw food ) it comes with meat veggies, fruits, raw bones and vitamines.

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