Newly adopted B and Interceptor
Hello – I gave my newly adopted B a dose of Interceptor this morning w/his morning meal. This evening he had runny stools - all over the carpet - and I'm wondering if the heartworm meds could cause the runny stools. His foster gave him heartworm meds on June 29th - I have noticed some butt scooting this week and suspected he may have worms. Also, he started eating dirt this week.
The young fella will be going to the vet for a check-up, soon.
What is your experience with Interceptor and young rescue dogs?
I use Interceptor for the other five dogs; they do well on the medication and are not plagued with parasites.
It is 2 a.m. and I am shampooing carpets!!! :rolleyes:
Vicki, first off I am sorry about your beauty sleep being interupted by a carpet emergency, that is never fun. I have had dogs in the past on Intercepter and never had any problems. Maybe he does have worms or he needs his analglands checked on. Could you get him some canned pumpkin? just a 1 tsp or so should firm the stools up.
I didn't think about his anal glands. You are so right! Yes, pumpkin is on the menu for tomorrow. Rocky was okay today, but I noticed he was scooting on the tile floor?! When Rocky came here to live, I changed his food from IAMS to Wellness. He has been eating raw green beans, too.
I finished doing carpets at 4:30 a.m. Decided while the dogs were sleeping it was the best time to clean carpets. zzzzzzzzz - to bed early tonight.
I remember years ago when my past 2 Bs slept with me and once in a great while at about 2am I start hearing that heaving sound and then puke right in or on the bed. So I used to keep news paper by the side of the bed and if I heard that I would quick slide it under the dog.
I remember years ago when my past 2 Bs slept with me and once in a great while at about 2am I start hearing that heaving sound and then puke right in or on the bed. So I used to keep news paper by the side of the bed and if I heard that I would quick slide it under the dog.
Ah yes, that's a lovely sound to wake up to. I remember going through that a couple times until I realized I needed to feed my B some kibble before bedtime (empty stomach issue overnight).
Very good idea, Dan. I haven't had that happen in a while, but you don't ge a whole lot of warning before it lands in your lap..or bed..