@betterrthings Is he a trindle?
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These are the famous five aren't they? How's Momma Basenji doing?
They are so adorable! Is that a capped tri-color?
Oh my gosh! They are ADORABLE. I got my B, Giz at age 3, so I have never actually encountered a B pup. I can't wait to see them. Only the knowledge that I cannot fit another dog in my home with the new foster Boxer coming keeps me from wanting a B pup. I'll behave, though and turn them over to the next leg of the run
they are sooooo cute!!!
OMG! They are soooo adorable - how long to get from VT to IL???
They are so adorable! Is that a capped tri-color?
That looks like a regular old tri color to me…but maybe I am missing something....
A capped tri looks like a beagle face.
Gawd….they are soooo cute!
aww i love the puppies!!! lol
holy moly those are the cutest things i cant help but think what wouldve happened to them if it wasnt for brat. they look wonderful vegas, more please. pretty please?
I'll post a thread on the Rescues forum here in a second.