• Hello! This is Frank [tri] and Bailey . Frank is about 15 months and Bailey is 5 months. They live in Minnesota and are excited to join the basenji community!

  • Welcome..some of us are related by "dogs" so let me ask where your came from.

  • Frank and Bailey came from a Kansas breeder and they actually have the same dad!

  • Do you know if they have had any health testing done? If not, check out the health section of this group. Fanconi is a biggie and you can get a cheek swab test for both of your b's…if they have not had this done.
    It will give you a clue to the future with your beloved dogs.

  • hi Frank and Bailey - a big welcome to both of you and your 'people'! Whenever you feel comfortable, jump right in, ask questions, let us know how you do things, and above all - post some pictures! 🙂

  • Welcome to you, Frank and Bailey. They look delightful.

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