I guess things are different there. Here β¦ a dog attack mine the dog would be secure or removed from the home of the irresponsible owners. And if where you walk is so dangerous, why not find somewhere safe or carry say, a baseball bat with you?
Sorry to be so late in responding, just figured out you might be replying to my message and not the one about Gizmo.
We have lived in this neighborhood for 22 years, and I have only seen dogs loose three times, twice with the owner right after them trying to get them back and the once when Belle was attacked. We have fairly strict leash laws and in the area of town I live in you just don't see dogs running loose. That was four years ago and I have not seen a loose dog anywhere around her since.
Although I do remember growing up in Tennessee in the 50s-60s when everyone on our street had a dog and they all were running loose all the time, including our dalmatian who used to chase the garbage truck!