@dogelover He is SOOO Handsome!! Very happy for you! Be sure to get another while this one is still young or middle aged. I've had a B in this apartment since I moved in 15 yrs ago. Now it's so empty .... I can't even sleep more than a couple hours before I wake up - all alone. Every room had a B in it, back yard too & now, it's all just so empty & it"s worse than horrible.... It's hauntingly empty. So if you love this one fiercely, get another!!
Nancy Berry
Advice for potential first-time basenji owners -
Life Expectancy??@TxVet You are so very Blessed to still have your Basenji at 20 yrs. old! You've done something very right, besides loving her to the fullest!
Life Expectancy??@giza1 WOW ~ 18 yrs.! How awesome! And you say you've had 5 that have gone to the field by the Rainbow Bridge, I'm sorry but if I had my way, we would not ever have a Basenji pass away, they'd be with us until we all passed together. But then, I guess some folks would have too big of a "pack". Do you have Basenjis now? I hope so, it's just so empty in the place with not even 1 Basenji to love :-(
Life Expectancy??@WeLuvBasenjis My 1st. B lived almost 13 yrs. & might have lived longer if she hadn't come down with cancer. I just found out that her Father lived to just a little over 17 yrs. My 2nd B lived to 16 & a half. Healthy as could be, even that morning but after she had her daily nap, when she went to get up ~ everything had changed. :(
fly high my sweet boy@crystalncody I'm so Sorry for all your many loss's. At least Bucky is there now. & he's helping you in the same way that you're helping him. Life is full of so many twists & turns. I'm just glad you all are together!
fly high my sweet boy@DebraDownSouth I agree with Deb. that time doesn't heal all but I feel like we put those memories in a closet so we always have them but sometimes we have to close that door to stop some of the pain until we can. deal with it some more.
Advice for potential first-time basenji owners@dogelover The older B was with another family & then returned to the breeder?? I agree with Deb - those are behaviors but I wonder what (or IF anything in particular) happened that he "acquired" those behaviors!! I
hope they get it worked out with the little fella' ... I feel bad for the B & the humans too! :( -
Advice for potential first-time basenji owners@dogelover Awwww ~ I'm jealous now!! He's sooo cute!!!
Advice for potential first-time basenji owners@dogelover I made a mistake ... people say that B's "bite playfully" ~ but I say they "pinch" when they want to surprise you into playing! They are soooo funny ~ the things they do!! You're in for loads of fun!! Enjoy!
Advice for potential first-time basenji owners@dogelover I'm originally from Kansas. I might head out that way to see my Dad (91 yrs. old) & brother, after I hand off the B I'm taking care of right now. My Dad's old but still has his wits about him! Went there last yr. & that was the 1st. time in 31 yrs. since I'd seen him. I didn't get there before my Mother passed in 2015 so I hadn't seen her for 30 yrs. And I hadn't seen my brother since I was home last in 1975. It was really a nice visit but I had a dog sitter staying with my dog, so I knew when I got home... my Dorie would be waiting! That was in June & then she passed in Aug. They seem to stay really healthy, for the most part, until the very last day or two. But once you've been loved by a Basenji.... it's like a love you never had before!! Bcoz they're so ... special!!
Advice for potential first-time basenji owners@dogelover Gives you time to get ready for him! Put things that you highly value.. up high where he can't get to them. Both of my B's came from the same breeder. The 1st, retired show girl, was just turning 4 when I got her. She was born in July ~ one of those oddities I guess. She took about 3 days to settle down when I got her home. By the end of the 1st day, I was wondering if maybe I didn't do enough research on the breed & that I'd made a mistake!!! I swear....she was FLYING like a wild bird!! But I hung in there & she settled down & she never tore any of my things up! Sometimes, she'd get close to me & take that perfect set of teeth & pinch the living crap out of me!! As soon as she did it, she'd go ricky-racing thru the apartment 5 or 6 times!! Then I'd put her collar on & take her out to the bathroom & a walk. A lot of people say that she was nipping playfully! BULL!! lol She was pinching me & it usually left a little bruise! But she was awesome! I got her neice when she passed. She was a great dog too! I just lost her Aug. 24, 2016. Been doing some dog fostering since, keeps me occupied. Just found out a little bit ago that I'll be taking this B towards her forever home next month. Not to sure I want to do this anymore, it's taking a lot out of me ~ emotionally but, as everyone says, "It is what it is." But you're going to have such a great time with your youngster! Take loads of pictures!!
Advice for potential first-time basenji owners@dogelover He is a handsome little fella' for sure!! He's a retired show dog? My 1st. B looked a lot like him & she was a retired little show girl.
Advice for potential first-time basenji owners@dogelover I'm sorry to hear that you'll only be meeting the 1 yr. old but if the breeder of the older one has made the decision that the B needs to stay with him/her, it's for the best. The breeder knows their dogs better than anyone else. And you might find that the 1 yr. old keeps you busy enough, for now anyway! There's still a chance that you might find another B close to the age of the 1 yr. old! I'm happy that you're going to get at least one B for the time being!
Jasmine@drew82 Very cute!! Both of them! But Jasmine being a puppy ~ shows how smart the B's are & how they can tire quickly of doing something but I gotta' give her credit ~ she stayed on task very well! I didn't notice before that, she has 2 round spots, a smaller one on top of her head & a bigger spot on her neck! She's got the brightest little eye's too!!
Blackening ears anyone?@potanamu My 1st B got that when the seasons changed. By late Fall, I noticed that there was more black on the edges, as well, there was more hair. My Vet at that time (he was an excellent Vet! Died from cancer before my 1st. B passed away), told me that, Sometime's a sudden change in a dogs climate or a move to another State, could cause a natural phenomenon in dogs with prick ears or ears that are exposed all year, causing them to grow some extra hair inside the ears as well as growing an extra layer (or more) of skin, as extra protection for the ear inside. When the climate changes back to a warmer temp, just as the extra protection was added by the dogs body ~ it is also sloughed off when it's no longer needed. When the dogs body was adding the extra protection, besides adding more hair & skin layers... ear wax was also increased in between the layers. The wax worked like insulation between skin layers during the cold & then aided in the sloughing of the extra skin & hair when the temps went back up again. I told him, my girl, Darling Darla, had this going on most all year long!! He said that she would get rid of a lot of it, as long as her toe nails were kept short & smooth but, if it bothered me that much ... have her sit/lay next to me & get her used to me doing ear rubs with my fingers, wiping my fingers off on a towel/wash-cloth often. I was to start about half way down the ear, thumb inside the ear, index & middle finger on back of ear & just gently keep pulling upwards. Just don't do it so long in each ear that it caused chapping. I'd get bits of hair & junk & by summer, it would be gone!! The Vet also told me that if I thought there was infection in the ear ~ stick my nose in her ear & smell it! If there was a bad odor, bring her in. No smell...no problem! She loved the ear rubs & attention! I loved her clean looking B ears again!! To this day, I still stick my nose in the B's ears & smell them!!
Advice for potential first-time basenji owners@dogelover The neighbors B is beautiful & the wrinkles in the fore head!! I just love rubbing B wrinkles!!
LG after her first river trip@pearlypoo Awwww...that face is one that you could just rub your face all over!! Looking at her eye's ... I believe she's thinking something along the lines of: "WOW! That was kinda' scary but fun too...sure glad my humans were keeping me safe! I wonder what all other fun things they're gonna' teach me about!!" I love the whiskers too! I have whiskers in my Yorkie's scrapbook & in both of my B's scrapbooks too. If a tooth came out & I found it ~ I still have it. I have some toe-nail clippings from all 3 dogs too. But pictures are best!! All 3 of you are lucky, lucky ... lucky!! :)