Advice for potential first-time basenji owners

  • @DebraDownSouth I'll have to see if there is a basenji meet-up group in DC! 😉 Great idea about the chain between collar and leash - I wouldn't have thought of it! Sounds like their teeth must be very sharp.

  • Yes martingale's are fine as is the harness you found on Amazon - never use step-in harnesses (because too easy to step out).
    And I never never use the gentle leader - I tried it on my female but she would walk with her head turned sideways until one time she saw a squirrel and then lunged after - not good on the neck. My vet said no no. The gentle leader was designed to keep golden retrievers and such to keep attention on the handler (and thus to walk slowly) but it can cause neck problems in breeds that are not people oriented.
    The chain between collar/leash is a great idea (make sure links are much smaller than tooth so cant get caught) - alternatively I put pvc pipe on the leash instead of using the chain. I had a previous male who bit through a nylon leash in the time it took the vet to turn around to get something off his counter. And my current male chewed through his leather leash in the time it took me to put on my coat - hence why I use pvc pipe pieces (I use 3 pieces cut to about 3 inches so it can be somewhat flexible).

  • @dogelover said in Advice for potential first-time basenji owners:

    @DebraDownSouth I'll have to see if there is a basenji meet-up group in DC! 😉 Great idea about the chain between collar and leash - I wouldn't have thought of it! Sounds like their teeth must be very sharp.

    I believe they have razor blades that pop out of their gums. Until we learned better, we had a variety of slips, bras and even pocketbook straps cut so neatly you'd swear it was with scissors.
    This is one I made... simple get thin chain, about 18 inches, from Home Depot type place and 2 links to connect to collar and leash.


  • @DebraDownSouth Wow, that leash is heavy-duty! Love it! It looks like something I'd be able to create - thanks for sharing the photo!

    In other news, my husband and I made plans to spend time with our neighbor's basenji (Mojo - great name) this weekend. Fingers crossed for his allergies!!!

    If all goes well, we plan to meet with the potential Bs in the next few weeks 🙂

  • Make sure the neighbors dog isn't around cats or other dogs as cross contamination could be a problem. If they have other pets, wiping him down might help so you are just exposed to him. 🙂 GOOD LUCK!

  • @DebraDownSouth great news!! We just tested my husband's allergies with Mojo, our neighbor's B. He had no reaction besides some small bumps on his skin where Mojo's fur rubbed a lot. No breathing difficulties or eye burning! 0_1490544670995_image2 (1).JPG 0_1490544683436_image1 (1).JPG

  • @dogelover The neighbors B is beautiful & the wrinkles in the fore head!! I just love rubbing B wrinkles!!

  • WOHOOO, hopefully things will go as well at home!

  • Update: We will only be meeting the 1 year old now. Unfortunately, the 4 year old is not adjusting well to being returned to the breeder (having some behavioral issues) and is unable to be adopted out. 😞

    But we are meeting the 1 year old boy in 2 weeks! Hoping it goes well.

  • @dogelover I'm sorry to hear that you'll only be meeting the 1 yr. old but if the breeder of the older one has made the decision that the B needs to stay with him/her, it's for the best. The breeder knows their dogs better than anyone else. And you might find that the 1 yr. old keeps you busy enough, for now anyway! There's still a chance that you might find another B close to the age of the 1 yr. old! I'm happy that you're going to get at least one B for the time being!

  • @Nancy-Berry Yes, it's for the best! I'll attach a photo of the B we are meeting (he is so gorgeous!)0_1490968055958_1 year old B .jpg

    I have contacted many breeders in the states around DC, but most do not have any adults available (which I guess is to be expected).

  • @dogelover He is a handsome little fella' for sure!! He's a retired show dog? My 1st. B looked a lot like him & she was a retired little show girl.

  • @Nancy-Berry Yes, he is soon to be retired after this show season, I think. We wouldn't be able to get him until June.

  • @dogelover Gives you time to get ready for him! Put things that you highly value.. up high where he can't get to them. Both of my B's came from the same breeder. The 1st, retired show girl, was just turning 4 when I got her. She was born in July ~ one of those oddities I guess. She took about 3 days to settle down when I got her home. By the end of the 1st day, I was wondering if maybe I didn't do enough research on the breed & that I'd made a mistake!!! I swear....she was FLYING like a wild bird!! But I hung in there & she settled down & she never tore any of my things up! Sometimes, she'd get close to me & take that perfect set of teeth & pinch the living crap out of me!! As soon as she did it, she'd go ricky-racing thru the apartment 5 or 6 times!! Then I'd put her collar on & take her out to the bathroom & a walk. A lot of people say that she was nipping playfully! BULL!! lol She was pinching me & it usually left a little bruise! But she was awesome! I got her neice when she passed. She was a great dog too! I just lost her Aug. 24, 2016. Been doing some dog fostering since, keeps me occupied. Just found out a little bit ago that I'll be taking this B towards her forever home next month. Not to sure I want to do this anymore, it's taking a lot out of me ~ emotionally but, as everyone says, "It is what it is." But you're going to have such a great time with your youngster! Take loads of pictures!!

  • @Nancy-Berry Hahaha! Your first sounds like such a mischievous (and awesome) dog! Our neighbor's B who we played with a week ago also pinches me with his teeth! I had bruises on my legs and feet. He wanted me to play with him, but then he would run away from me really fast. Such a clown! I'm sorry about the loss of your second girl - I'm still not over my beagle who passed in July 2013, I think about him every day. I see you are in Indiana - I am from Ohio (but live in DC now) - midwest is the best!!! my brother is currently studying at DePauw in Greencastle, IN.

  • @dogelover I'm originally from Kansas. I might head out that way to see my Dad (91 yrs. old) & brother, after I hand off the B I'm taking care of right now. My Dad's old but still has his wits about him! Went there last yr. & that was the 1st. time in 31 yrs. since I'd seen him. I didn't get there before my Mother passed in 2015 so I hadn't seen her for 30 yrs. And I hadn't seen my brother since I was home last in 1975. It was really a nice visit but I had a dog sitter staying with my dog, so I knew when I got home... my Dorie would be waiting! That was in June & then she passed in Aug. They seem to stay really healthy, for the most part, until the very last day or two. But once you've been loved by a Basenji.... it's like a love you never had before!! Bcoz they're so ... special!!

  • @Nancy-Berry I've never been to Kansas - Hope you have a good trip there! One more photo to share (who doesn't love puppy pictures!!!) This is our potential B at 8 weeks...0_1490972181828_12983356_1334869493196661_3637446451645909222_o.jpg

  • @dogelover I made a mistake ... people say that B's "bite playfully" ~ but I say they "pinch" when they want to surprise you into playing! They are soooo funny ~ the things they do!! You're in for loads of fun!! Enjoy!

  • @dogelover Awwww ~ I'm jealous now!! He's sooo cute!!!

  • The 4 yr old.. how long do they think it will take to settle him down?

    Good luck on the other dog. He is adorable!

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