Today marks 6 months since I lost Cody. I still miss him so much. Since then, we also lost Moe, my parents' dog, Cody's very best friend, and partner in crime. He passed from old age, just shy of 14 years old. Sometimes, when I visit my parents, I could almost swear I hear them playing in the back rooms.
My boyfriend was working out of the country when Cody died. When he got back in January, we moved in with his grandmother. She is in recovery from breast cancer, but the treatment caused her to go into heart failure, so she needs someone with her. Since I used to be a home health aid, and she didn't want a stranger living with her, we decided that this was the best option. She also lost her dog a few months ago.
Two weeks ago, my boyfriend came home with a dog. He was our old roommates' dog, and Cody's other best friend. Our friends had been working so much that Bucky was spending most of his time in his kennel, so they had been thinking about rehoming him. One day, out of the blue, my boyfriend went over to their house, but no one was home, so he went in and got Bucky (he still has a key in case they go out of town or there is an emergency) and brought him home. Of course, I texted them right away so they wouldn't worry. Grandma quickly fell in love. Bucky is a lovable little ball of energy. We talked about it, and decided that since they were going to rehome him, if they still wanted to, we'd take him. They were fine with it, so we went and got his stuff. The best part is that when we go visit, we take Bucky so they can still spend time with him. Plus, sometimes when they are both off, they will come get him for a day. So now he has two families that love him.
Bucky isn't a basenji. He's some kind of mix, but I guess living with Cody rubbed off on him. He picked up some of the basenji mannerisms, like the way he plays, and other little quirks. Sometimes, when he does those things, I get a little lump in my throat. And he seems to be thriving here. His kennel is still his safe place, but he rarely has to spend his days in it. When we go to work, Bucky spends his days in bed with grandma, or she will let him outside and just watch him run. I've even caught them playing tug a few times. They have been good for each other. She gives him the attention he craves when we aren't home, and he gives her a reason to get out of bed, and brimgs her so much joy. He's been good for me too. And while I wish that Cody was still here, I'm happy that we could take in his best friend. I think he'd be happy about that too.