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Adverse reaction to vaccinations

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • I usually give my dogs a benadryl prior to annual vaccines. We haven't had a problem since I started doing that. And, yep, we never do lepto.

    Be aware, that if they gave her cortisone to stop the allergic reaction, she will probably need to be revaccinated later…unfortunately, the cortisone stops the innoculation process, and the vaccines can't work they way they are supposed to. Talk to your vet, to see what they recommend. But in general...separate any vaccines that you can, and dose with benadryl in advance, and she should be fine.

  • I've never heard anything good about the Lepto vaccine and have had 2 vets tell me to never give it to my pups - that is enough for me. Also I've been told by a vet friend of mine to never do the combo vaccines. He actually said to only have rabies (because it is legally required every 3 yrs) and distemper - skip everything else. And there is even debate about whether to do distemper.

    I'm sorry to hear about Trinity but glad she is doing better. I'm sure it was really scary.

  • You can get a three year rabies here but you have to ask for it otherwise it's one year rabies. When we got Jaycee they told us to not get her rabies with any other shots. Her father's face became all swollen when they did his rabies with other shots. My vet said he never gives rabies with anything else. Also my vet only likes to give one year as some people do not come back for three years. Vet says way to long so this way they have to come back make sure all is well with the animal.

    Rita Jean

  • First of all, how old is Trinity? Was this her booster at 1 year or is your vet still using the old vaccine protocol and vaccinating yearly?

    My vet has switched all their clients to the vaccine schedule that was published by Colorado's vet school which is a 3 year schedule for DHPP. My vet has also stopped giving lepto unless requested because of the higher risk of side effects and that it is not effective against the serovars found in our area. My repro vet who is at a different practice gives very similar advice. For animals that have a high risk of reaction, you can get titers done to check immunity rather than just vaccinating. Intervet has a vaccine that has been challenge tested to give 3 years immunity for Distemper and Parvo if your vet is uncomfortable about a 3 year schedule.

    Rabies is every 3 years by law in California.

  • @Rita:

    You can get a three year rabies here but you have to ask for it otherwise it's one year rabies.

    is required by your state and county? There is no reason to vaccinate yearly if it is not required by your local laws and every time you vaccinate you run the risk of having a vaccine reaction. It may be your vet's way to make extra money and get people into their office but that does not make it a good practice for the long term health of your animals.

  • @lvoss:

    is required by your state and county? There is no reason to vaccinate yearly if it is not required by your local laws and every time you vaccinate you run the risk of having a vaccine reaction. It may be your vet's way to make extra money and get people into their office but that does not make it a good practice for the long term health of your animals.

    And as it was explained to me, the one year and 3yr is the same vaccine?… Puppies are given one at around 16wks and one at one year... after that it is every three years.

    Question for you lvoss, while most Vets around here are on the 3yr schedule for all vaccinations, I have heard different requirements. Some still say that the need the booster at 1yr and then after that every 3. Some say every 3yrs after the first puppy shots?

  • My repro vet says there is one vaccine on the market made by Intervet that has been challenge tested to provide 3 years immunity if given after 16 weeks of age. No 1 year booster is needed as long as the last shot in the puppy series if after 16 weeks of age so that there are no more maternal antibodies present. Most vets don't stock that vaccine so the 1 year booster is recommended.

  • Thanks…. perfect information!!!

  • Wow, I am so sorry to hear about yours and trinity's bad experience with her boosters. I will make sure never to do lepto, although my vet have never mentioned it as something we should do…
    I am really looking into doing titer with my dogs, but don't think my vet is all about it, means less business right? So I might look at different vets and see what they say.
    As far as Rabies, here in Harris County, which is the county we live in they do yearly boosters unless you had your pup vaccinated young and then do it again before a years time is up, then they count as three year boosters..same shot though if I understand the vet right..Does that makes sense?

  • Wow, I am so sorry to hear about yours and Trinity's bad experience with her boosters. I will make sure never to do lepto, although my vet have never mentioned it as something we should do…
    I am really looking into doing titer with my dogs, but don't think my vet is all about it, means less business right? So I might look at different vets and see what they say.
    As far as Rabies, here in Harris County, which is the county we live in they do yearly boosters unless you had your pup vaccinated young and then do it again before a years time is up, then they count as three year boosters..same shot though if I understand the vet right..Does that makes sense?

  • If your vet uses a DHLPP, the L is lepto. Mine does just DHPP without the lepto.

  • Here is an article about the 2006 AAHA Canine Vaccination Guidelines,

  • Well I was just told by my vet that I can chose to not get the Lepto, but as a resident in Texas I should, or better yet my dogs should..becasue of the humidity and rain amunts we have here, the risk of them contracting Lepto is much higher then the risk of a allergic reaction gone wrong..meaning benadryl before the shot..unless you own a dachshund..that is when I said…"I do have a dachshund for crying out loud and he sees you.." Now what? I have been getting shots with Lepto vaccines in it, I just didn't know until know, the ones Should I opt not to, what is your opinion..We are not due for shots for some months but once that gets here I want to be prepared..

  • If Otis has all ready had the Lepto and nothing happen why would you want to change anything?

    Rita Jean

  • That is true. I am however a firm believer that bodies can take things up to a certain point before reactions are visible, so why push the envelope if I really don't have to. That being said, maybe a reaction is safer then the dog contraction Lepto..or my children, since humans get it to.

  • I understand about not wanting to keep doing soemthing "if" you do not need to. I used the word if since your vet say's you do. Yes a reaction I think would be better then dogs or the children getting it.

    Rita Jean

  • @Rita:

    If Otis has all ready had the Lepto and nothing happen why would you want to change anything?

    Rita Jean

    Just because they didn't have a reaction the first time doesn't mean they will not the next time…. as remember the vaccine is in the system and giving more on top of what they already have can very easily trigger a reaction.

    None of the people that I know with Basenjis (show people mostly) in Texas gives Lepto

  • There are some things you should know about lepto vaccines before you make your decision. First off, from a discussion about vaccines with my repro vet, the majority of lepto vaccines do not last more than 6 months and some are ineffective after as little as 3 months. This is because lepto is a bacteria, just like bordatella so just like bordatella vaccines the efficacy is far less than vaccines for viruses. Secondly, lepto vaccines only vaccinate for a limited number of serovars, I can not remember the exact numbers but it was less than half of the known serovars for lepto. So even a vaccinated dog can still get the disease. So you need to know what serovars are common in your area and whether or not those serovars are covered by the vaccines otherwise you could be gaining a false sense of security. I am very lucky to have vets that are very honest with me. My regular vet has stopped vaccinating for lepto because the serovars in our area are not the ones in the vaccine so the dogs would still be at risk plus have the added risk of vaccine reaction.

    If you are going to get Lepto done then do some research on what Lepto vaccines are available and what their efficacy is. You may want to tell your vet that you would like to separate Lepto from the other vaccines so if there is a reaction you know what it is to. Also, if you find a company has a more effective Lepto vaccine you can choose to use that one.

    Here is the vet handout from Intervet on some sample protocols for dogs using the Continuum 3 year vaccine. On these protocols Lepto would be given as its own separate vaccination so you do have some options.

  • Thanks guys for your input. I will definitely read and learn more until it is time for a booster..I won't just have the dogs get one, because I was told to, I want to know pros and cons..

  • Yes, thank you all indeed for your answers & kind words - it was scary. Tanza, thank you for the rush of relief. I was wondering if she would have to be revaccinated. What a bunch of crap! To have to pay for her shots, an emergency visit that should have never been & a possible revaccination - and of course this was the same vet who told me to put snarky little Denver down after 3 bites. sigh These shots were her 1st boosters & looking back through our 1st vet's shots history, he did everything right - no wonder he's 2X the cost! There is so much to learn - and the more I learn from you all & the experiences, the more I find out I don't know! It's so frustrating when hindsight is 20/20. I always thought having a pet was a piece of cake - so unprepared for things gone wrong. I'm glad I've helped open up some awareness - lvoss, thank you for the links. I've read several different articles which state the same things you did about this vaccine - doesn't fully protect & I'm understanding although Lepto is deadly, it can be knocked out with antibiotics - as one person had stated in an online post - she would rather have an infected animal urinate in her dog's mouth than to have this vaccine administered - gross, but puts things into perspective. Anyway, thanks again - it's always comforting to know I can find wonderful support within this forum. :)

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