• @Basenjimamma:

    What I meant was that AKC only accepts four colors, at least that is what is stated on their website. Why is that? I mean since clearly they came in more colors then 4.

    That isn't correct. If you look at the breed standard on AKC, there would be disqualifications listed under colour for colours not allowed. Like Pat says, they can't list every colour combo that is acceptable…instead they would list disqualification colours if they existed.

  • sWhat do you mean by "accepts", they are registrable, breedable, showable, coursable, so to me that would seem to be accepted. They are not in our standard but that is written by BCOA not AKC and the membership is quite split in their feelings about color and the standard so it is unlikely that we will see a change anytime soon but nothing is preventing these dogs from participating in AKC events and being used in breeding programs.

  • Houston

    What colors are there?

    Like the American standard says, there are four accepted Basenji
    colors– black, red, brindle, and tri (black and tan). All four colors
    have white feet, tail tip and chest. Most Basenjis have more white
    than that. There were other reported colors before the recent African
    imports--creams, blue and whites (tri marked dogs with cream instead
    of tan), saddle marked tris (like beagles) and tricolors without some
    of the standard tan markings (often called "Fula" tris). These colors
    have been bred away from and don't usually show up in today's U.S.
    breeding stock. With the addition of the African Imports of 1987 and
    1988, the tiger-striped brindle color (in reality, a pattern) was
    added to the AKC standard as an accepted color. While brindle had been
    seen and actually brought into England in 1959, the color was frowned
    upon, and lost to the Western world until now. As with the original
    basenji imports of the 1930's, the unusual colors have returned, and
    are again being bred away from due to the preference of breeders. The
    only "new" variation that appeared with the new African imports is the
    brindle-pointed tricolor; this is a classic tricolor with black
    stripes in the fields of tan.

    Ch Bushbabies' Avatar of Voyuz, photo by Cook PhoDOGraphy

    As it is with many things, the color of basenjis is mostly due to the
    preference and whim of the breeders. The most common color for
    basenjis is red and white; and most you will see are, in fact, red and
    white. Blacks and Tricolors tend to be seen less frequently; but they
    too can be found if that is what you are looking for. The current
    "fad" color is brindle, with more and more being bred shown, and sold.
    There should be no difference in purchase price based on color. People
    that charge more just because of the coat color are doing so to make a
    quick buck and should be avoided.

    There are many dogs whose coat color varies from the four recognized
    colors; but that should not sway you from a decision if you are
    looking for a companion to love. The coat color of a basenji has no
    effect on its ability to wriggle its way under the bed covers; or beg
    for food at the kitchen table. Let your own preference be your guide.

    All Basenjis should have dark brown eyes and deep liver to black
    pigment. A basenji with lighter-colored eyes (such as yellow or gold)
    would have difficulty seeing in the bright equatorial sun of Zaire and
    would suffer sunburns from pale pigment.

    This was found when Basenji colors was googled...I guess I shouldn't believe what I read.

  • Houston

    On a whole different but more accurate note(since this is the tail thread). I trimmed Otis tail, per Tanza's tips and it looks great. The thinning shears make it so easy..pending him standing still.

  • Here are excerpts from the Basenji standard regarding faults and color.

    _Faults–Any departure from the following points must be considered a fault, and the seriousness with which the fault is regarded is to be in exact proportion to its degree.

    Coat and Color
    Coat short and fine. Skin very pliant. Color--Chestnut red; pure black; tricolor (pure black and chestnut red); or brindle (black stripes on a background of chestnut red); all with white feet, chest and tail tip. White legs, blaze and collar optional. The amount of white should never predominate over primary color. Color and markings should be rich, clear and well-defined, with a distinct line of demarcation between the black and red of tricolors and the stripes of brindles._

    It is perhaps better to say "standard" colors instead of "accepted" colors. AKC has told BCOA that the above description also covers Brindle pointed Tris, some feel that it does not. So depending on who you talk to there are actually 5 colors that fit the standard. This just goes to show that there is alot left to interpretation and (no pun intended) the issue is of color is not black and white.

  • I totally disagree that "Brindle" is the current "fad" color, maybe 15 yrs ago. And out here in California, there are more Tris, Blacks and Brindles showing then Reds… Color is what it is, color.. it has nothing to do with conformation, ability to perform, temperament (ok.. Tris are Tri-ing...ggg) or ability to reproduce. And as already stated there are no colors that would not be accepted. Sure, in the show ring you have have preference by a judge.. but like anything else, they have an opinion .... that is what you are paying for, their opinion on that given day

  • Interestingly we used to have cream Basenjis born in the early litters and the then sole Basenji club rules stated that breeders could not register nor breed from creams. Indeed Veronica used to say that they should be put down at birth or sold as pets. Some breeders ignored this edict and were ostracised as a result. It was thought that the creams were albinoid and that the colour was linked to various undesirable ailments. The creams that I actually saw had fairly dark pigmented noses and lighter (but not very light eyes). They seemed very attractive to me. I know that in recent years creams have been born in the USA but have only seen one picture - as far as I know creams have not appeared in the UK for many, many years but the clause still exists in the rules!.

    Basenjimamma - re the google statement about eye colour I tend to agree about light coloured eyes and the reaction to the sun but I do know that some of the peoples of the Congo forests actually have blue eyes!!! Personally I feel that very light eyes give Basenjis an alien look.

    As this started as a post about trimmed tails, I suppose that it could make them more attractive in the show ring but there are one or two people in the UK who also trim hair from their bottoms and that looks quite obscene IMO!

  • @Patty:

    Interestingly we used to have cream Basenjis born in the early litters and the then sole Basenji club rules stated that breeders could not register nor breed from creams. Indeed Veronica used to say that they should be put down at birth or sold as pets. Some breeders ignored this edict and were ostracised as a result. It was thought that the creams were albinoid and that the colour was linked to various undesirable ailments. The creams that I actually saw had fairly dark pigmented noses and lighter (but not very light eyes). They seemed very attractive to me. I know that in recent years creams have been born in the USA but have only seen one picture - as far as I know creams have not appeared in the UK for many, many years but the clause still exists in the rules!.

    Basenjimamma - re the google statement about eye colour I tend to agree about light coloured eyes and the reaction to the sun but I do know that some of the peoples of the Congo forests actually have blue eyes!!! Personally I feel that very light eyes give Basenjis an alien look.

    As this started as a post about trimmed tails, I suppose that it could make them more attractive in the show ring but there are one or two people in the UK who also trim hair from their bottoms and that looks quite obscene IMO!

    Do you mean the people trim hair from their OWN bottoms??? j/k 😉 thanks for the giggle!

  • @Quercus:

    Do you mean the people trim hair from their OWN bottoms??? j/k 😉 thanks for the giggle!

    :D:D:D:D:D:D That has made me giggle!!!!!! :D:D

  • Houston

    I was mereky confused as well as curious, sorry if I ruffled feathers. I has seen in various readings online that there were/are other colorings around, though rare. I would loveto see a cream in real life, or a mahogany, it sounds very pretty. Although if I could favor, I would say brindle boy (wonder why..LOL) and red girl. One day I just might have that little red girl in our house..for now we will settle with fostering a red girl..

  • Quercus - you never know, they may well do!!!! - I've never asked!!!!!and I'm still laughing. I hope I don't remember this the next time I see the people!!!!!LOL

  • Here's a letter from Veronica Tudor-Williams and picture of a cream Basenji.


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