We had a Dalmatian that started having these issues at the same age as your B. Vestibular disease got worse causing her to lose her balance and fall when walking, loss of strength in her hindquarters and incontinence. I am not aware of any treatments for the VD, but there are a number of human treatments for strokes that might be able to be used in dogs.
Please pray for Booger
Yooo hooo Booger. Keep at it - we're all behind you.
Thank Goodness!! I have been worried.
Booger has been close to his usual self recently…. Last night we sat down to watch Lost, and he entertained himself with chasing Lola, throwing a plastic bottle to himself & climbing on the back of the sofa to better lick our hair. Andrew turned to me at one point and commented, "I forgot how annoying Booger can be." Haha.
Today he got to go to the park for the first time in about a month. He had a lot of fun running around with other dogs, but he had an interesting quirk he's never had before. Every few minutes he would run over & either lean on me or jump on me to get my attention. When I looked at him, he would look into my eyes & stare at me for several seconds before running off to play again. I swear he was saying "Thank you for not giving up on me Mommy. And thank you for bringing me to the park again."
I almost cried a couple of times. -
Oh I'm so happy for all of you !!! A big hug and for Booger a little paw from Bendji from Belgium
Woo hoo Booger!!! So glad you are feeling better!:D:D:D