• Yes, she looks "normal" and preggers… in these pictures...

  • Any puppy news?

  • Nope. Here she is at 65 days (last night) and still waiting. No signs. No nesting, no impatience, nothing. She's groaning a bit but that's it.

  • The waiting drives me nuts even though I have done progesterone and known when they were going to deliver +/- a day.

  • I really hope she goes today or tomorrow, but it doesn't look good. Temp hasn't dropped either.

  • I am so glad you folks are posting all this info about breeding and puppying (or whatever the technical name is - whelping?). I'm pretty sure that I'll be going through all this in a few years whenever my girl's breeder decides it's time. I also greatly appreciate the pictures.

  • @Kebasmom:

    I am so glad you folks are posting all this info about breeding and puppying (or whatever the technical name is - whelping?). I'm pretty sure that I'll be going through all this in a few years whenever my girl's breeder decides it's time. I also greatly appreciate the pictures.

    Hmmm, This situation hadn't crossed my mind for my soon-to-be new girl. If you don't mind me asking, did you discuss with your breeder at the time you got your girl that he/she might want to consider breeding her in the future? Is your dog co-owned with the breeder and was the possibility of breeding spelled out in the contract? If it works out I'm planning to show the new girl I'm getting this year but I was figuring she would be spayed right after she is done showing. I hadn't really thought of the possibility that the breeder would want to breed her (don't imagine that is likely but haven't asked). Something to add to my list of questions….

  • Nemo, All of this was indeed discussed at the time I bought my puppy. I am showing her and she is co-owned by me and the breeder. The breeder will choose the stud and then take her pick when the litter is born. She has been great with guiding me when she can, and when she cannot, she has another person who has been a tremendous help to me. I am in no position at this time to choose studs or anything like that as I have just returned to the breed and showing in the last year so thank goodness for experienced reputable breeders!! I have no written contract. Everything is verbal.

  • I think that it is great that you have discussed all this with your breeder, Kebasmom.. but a word from the wise… you really want it written... even with a pet puppy with no "designs" for showing and breeding a contract is really an important thing... Not that it would or does solve all problems ... however it makes it very clear what each person (breeder and buyer) are thinking or expecting.

  • @nomrbddgs:

    I really hope she goes today or tomorrow, but it doesn't look good. Temp hasn't dropped either.

    None of my bitches ever really followed the "temp" thing…gggg.... They read their own books... but I can tell you that once they start digging/nesting you are getting close, usually within 8 to 10 hours... at least that is what mine did..

  • I wish I even had that Pat! But nada, nothing, zilch, zero! Her temp was 97.7 down about 1 degree-which is nothing. Her mucus plug has not come out, she just lays around with the puppies rolling around inside.

  • I may regret this, but what is a mucus plug?

  • The mucous plug is a collection of cervical mucus that seals the opening of the cervix. It keeps bacteria and infection from entering into the cervix, providing a protective barrier for the developing baby. When the mother looses the mucus plug it is a sign that it is nearing time for the labor to begin.:o

  • You know, it constantly amazes me how a BYB could even think to breed a litter of puppies. Maybe I just freak out too much about knowing what I'm doing before I do something. I guess they just figure out the bitch knows what to do and it will work itself out naturally. I don't know. But I definitely have a healthy respect for all of the responsible breeders out there.

  • Oh, and I forgot to say that I hope the whelping goes smoothly. It sounds like the waiting must be excrutiating.

  • Fingers crossed Arlene! The waiting is such torture…

  • Hmmm, here it is morning of day 67 and first day of last breeding. Meaning, I bred her three times, two days apart each. This would make this 63 days from the last breeding. Since sperm is viable for up to three days after the breeding, the very last day should be Dec 31. All that happened yesterday was that she was upset she couldn't be with the other dogs, so she peed on the floor. I slept last night with feet in my face and groaning-not from DH, just from her! I hope she has them soon, only so much stinky butt and smelly feet I can stand!! (I'd rather smell puppy poo)

  • I have to agree with Nemo. I would not want to go through this kind of thing by myself the first couple of times. I'd want to volunteer to help an experienced breeder do this and then have some experienced hands with me the first time I went through it.
    Arlene, I hope you get some positive action today!! I look forward to hearing about it.

  • I do have an experienced breeder standing by to help with whelping. Although I have bred terriers, this is my first Basenji breeding. I don't ever recall this much waiting with the terrier!

  • @nomrbddgs:

    Since sperm is viable for up to three days after the breeding, the very last day should be Dec 31.

    I hope that she doesn't make you wait that long, but fresh semen is viable longer than 3 days. Most of the reading I have done says around 7 days. Fresh chilled 2-3 days and the technology is improving. Frozen is only 12 hours.

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