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Breeding Plans

Breeder Talk
  • Are you going to have her xrayed? It is always good to know how many you are expecting, especially if there are problems…

    She looks pretty small (hard to tell in that picture) for 51 days... but some maiden bitches don't get to big. You should really start to see a big change in the next week ...

  • Just started feeling the moving, Lisa. She is very firm, but as said she is a maiden bitch.

    Pat, I'm not going to have her x-rayed. I'm more concerned with her comfort that dragging her off to the vets and stressing her. She doesn't even like being put in the whelping area. Even though she'll sleep on the bed. It's day 58 and she's pretty well filled out. Her rib area has sprung wider and she's very full underneath. She is standing with her legs back and apart, so I know she has some puppies in there. I figure within the next 3 or 4 days she'll fill out further sideways. She seems to carry more downward than out. She had a great tuck up-very high and tight. She can't curl very well anymore either. I'll try to get a better pic within the next few days. With her first due date being the 24th, I still have a range as technically she could go up to Dec 31 without being late. Kero wasn't very interested in the last breeding though so I'm leaning towards the first or second due date.

  • I can hardly wait for photos of the pups.

  • Rally never showed much interest in her whelping box. The others in the house liked it quite a bit when the warming mat was turned on. She had no problem with it once the puppies were born but would pretty much just walk in turn around and leave until then.

    Good luck with whelping it is a crazy day.

  • Lisa and Pat, I just added some updated photos of her belly here:

    Lisa, how did you transfer the image? I've tried but can't figure it out.

  • Photobucket gives an img code you can copy for each pic.

  • She definately looks more pregnant in these photos.

  • Yes, they were taken this am. Thanks, Lisa, I had to try it!

  • Yes, she looks "normal" and preggers… in these pictures...

  • Any puppy news?

  • Nope. Here she is at 65 days (last night) and still waiting. No signs. No nesting, no impatience, nothing. She's groaning a bit but that's it.

  • The waiting drives me nuts even though I have done progesterone and known when they were going to deliver +/- a day.

  • I really hope she goes today or tomorrow, but it doesn't look good. Temp hasn't dropped either.

  • I am so glad you folks are posting all this info about breeding and puppying (or whatever the technical name is - whelping?). I'm pretty sure that I'll be going through all this in a few years whenever my girl's breeder decides it's time. I also greatly appreciate the pictures.

  • @Kebasmom:

    I am so glad you folks are posting all this info about breeding and puppying (or whatever the technical name is - whelping?). I'm pretty sure that I'll be going through all this in a few years whenever my girl's breeder decides it's time. I also greatly appreciate the pictures.

    Hmmm, This situation hadn't crossed my mind for my soon-to-be new girl. If you don't mind me asking, did you discuss with your breeder at the time you got your girl that he/she might want to consider breeding her in the future? Is your dog co-owned with the breeder and was the possibility of breeding spelled out in the contract? If it works out I'm planning to show the new girl I'm getting this year but I was figuring she would be spayed right after she is done showing. I hadn't really thought of the possibility that the breeder would want to breed her (don't imagine that is likely but haven't asked). Something to add to my list of questions….

  • Nemo, All of this was indeed discussed at the time I bought my puppy. I am showing her and she is co-owned by me and the breeder. The breeder will choose the stud and then take her pick when the litter is born. She has been great with guiding me when she can, and when she cannot, she has another person who has been a tremendous help to me. I am in no position at this time to choose studs or anything like that as I have just returned to the breed and showing in the last year so thank goodness for experienced reputable breeders!! I have no written contract. Everything is verbal.

  • I think that it is great that you have discussed all this with your breeder, Kebasmom.. but a word from the wise… you really want it written... even with a pet puppy with no "designs" for showing and breeding a contract is really an important thing... Not that it would or does solve all problems ... however it makes it very clear what each person (breeder and buyer) are thinking or expecting.

  • @nomrbddgs:

    I really hope she goes today or tomorrow, but it doesn't look good. Temp hasn't dropped either.

    None of my bitches ever really followed the "temp" thing…gggg.... They read their own books... but I can tell you that once they start digging/nesting you are getting close, usually within 8 to 10 hours... at least that is what mine did..

  • I wish I even had that Pat! But nada, nothing, zilch, zero! Her temp was 97.7 down about 1 degree-which is nothing. Her mucus plug has not come out, she just lays around with the puppies rolling around inside.

  • I may regret this, but what is a mucus plug?

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  • When to consider breeding?

    Breeder Talk
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    @bigv said in When to consider breeding?: So Taylor.rene . A little bit about my findings over the last 30 years is that every person who breeds dogs calls them self a responsible breeder? "" Yes, and fortunately for about 20 year now, anyone who really wants to verify if the breeder is actually believable can do so. Some breeders have no problem with incest for the sake of a ribbon as (dogs aren't people )..It is all about titles not the betterment of the breed. Being involved with race horses..<< Gosh, where to begin. " Incest" is a morality terminology, applied as everything from just not parent/child and aunt or uncles/nieces and nephews....all the way to 2nd or even 3rd cousins. It has little to do with genetics, hence adopted children count, and everything to do with moral views. That said, the human race is far from universally avoiding what would be called close line breeding or even incest. Isolated communities ...either physically by geographic terrain or socially by groups such Ashkenazi Jews and Romani, have limited gene pools. Ashkenazi Jews, btw, joke we are all no further than 5th cousins, but it is nearly true. Dogs and animals have no such manmade morals. A common propensity for many mammals to not to mate with closely related animals has nothing to do with incest. In limited populations they will mate, and the problems that arise if it occurs too often are due to decreased gene, increased expression of harmful genes etc. In controlled breeding, line breeding, even close, can be used to find if there are harmful recessives, or bring out desired recessives. If you think it isn't done with livestock, including horses, you're mistaken. With knowledgeable breeders who keep up on genetics, it absolutely is for the betterment of the breed, not a ribbon... Yes I am not a fan of line breeding but it seems that every zoo in the world has a similar view as they are always swapping animals to improve the genes . ...<<<<< Again, absolutely nothing to do with incest. Zoo animals, even those of nonendangered species, have a serious issue with limited gene pools. The level of that limitation cannot be compared to most pet breeds. We aren't talking many thousands of individuals, or millions, but sometimes 100 or less. Stud books are kept, for example, on all the polar bears in zoos and the effort to keep the diversification as high as possible is serious. (I'll leave out my views on them being in zoos.) So sure, if dog breeders were faced with THAT level of limited gene pool, line breeding would probably be avoided as much as possible. However, that all ignores the fact that dogs in any breed are mostly related.. If you go back 10 or more generations, you find the same dogs heavily in most lines. Sometimes 2 dogs that aren't related 3 generations back may share more actual genes than a closely related dog who has a lot of breeding out of the line on one side. That's where knowledgeable breeders come in. Having studied dingos for the past 15 years I can say without dought a bitch won't mate with relative... They are similar to basenjis in many ways. ...<< That's nice that you've studied them. But researchers are making new discoveries based on actual observations and finding a lot of what they thought isn't true. With massive interbreeding with domestic dogs, the pure dingos are disappearing. I envy those of you able to see them. However researchers suspect they have ...>>During this a hitherto unknown form of the “pure” dingo was discovered (based on DNA and skull features): a white dog with orange spots on the fur. This variant was considered as a single mutation or the result of interbreeding with an isolated dingo population.<< So they don't rule it out. (I downloaded to read, over 100 pages but you might love it. I'll save for later! ) And my boy does have a title that no other basenji has . He is the first and only basenji to be approved by the Victorian State Goverment to be authorised to hunt deer on private and public land within its borders. But to some this would make him unsuitable to breed with you figure?<<< First, while you have done an impressive job with you dogs, I am pretty sure that is a privilege given, not a "title," and I am 100% certain his being able to would have nothing to do with whether anyone deemed him not worthy of breeding to. With the right health checks, good conformation, etc, I would think a good plus...especially if the bitch owner wanted to possibly enhance hunting ability. It simply isn't enough.
  • Sherwood Basenjis Breeding Plans 2012

    Breeder Talk
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    14 Posts
    You should be good and nuts by week 5! I don't envy you at all, Happy puppies!!
  • Asthenia breeding plan 2011

    Breeder Talk
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    23 Posts
    Wonderful pictures! welcome to the world puppies.
  • Kinetic Breeding Plans

    Breeder Talk
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    142 Posts
    Based solely on these photos, I would rank Bella and Dean the highest but Clark and Flash are certainly not far behind. This is a fabulous litter. I love them all.
  • Tanza Breeding Plans

    Breeder Talk
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    Well, while Lisa is enjoying her pups (and yes I am jealous…ggg)... We are still waiting for Mz Kylie to be bred, however today Baily was very insistent that he be able to spend time with her...gggg, so with any luck we will get a breeding today or tomorrow... if so we should be expecting at the end of January
  • Required Testing Before Breeding

    Breeder Talk
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    14 Posts
    The other option for hips before the age of 2 years is PennHip which does certifications at a younger age than OFA.