Anyone have their B laser-neutered?

  • So! Lenny is getting neutered on monday! I spoke with the vet today to get more specific details on the surgery and they told me that they use lasers to do the neutering.. supposedly it cauterizes the wound and kills off potential bacteria, heals faster, less pain, less bleeding, less swelling, quicker recovery….

    Its gonna cost me $425 for the neutering, which includes everything - pre anesthetic bloodwork, surgery, meds etc etc... which sounds about right for this part of the country. I'm pretty sure I could have gotten it done for less in Michigan, but alas.. I'm not there anymore.

    Anyone had their neuter done w/ lasers?

  • I have not, but heard that they work really well… like with anything, the Vets that have experience with using it are pretty comfortable doing the procedure that way.

  • Lasers usually are able to control bleeding and that is always a good thing.
    Let us know how it goes…

  • We had Cyrus neutered through laser surgery last year. Our vet prefers laser surgery for a variety of reasons, including easy and quick healing. Cyrus did fine and healed perfectly.

  • @CyrusVirus:

    We had Cyrus neutered through laser surgery last year. Our vet prefers laser surgery for a variety of reasons, including easy and quick healing. Cyrus did fine and healed perfectly.

    Good to know someone that has had it done as it is new to many Vets (most likely due to the cost of purchasing the Laser)….

  • Sounds great, but there's no way in hell I could have paid $425 for a neuter!

  • Well yeah, $425 is not ideal, but the vet came highly recommended when I got his tooth pulled and they did a great job with that. From what I've heard that price is ballpark for this area of the country. Oh well, when in Rome…

  • In the ball park for our part of the country too…

  • And about 100 of that would be for the full blood workup prior to surgery….

  • Hey, so today was the day? How did it go?

  • Yes! I just got home from picking Lenny up. All went well and he is back home recovering. Due to several errors on the part of the staff that was quoting me the prices - I ended up paying $340 instead of $425… so that was a pleasant surprise.

    He seems to be doing fine. He's definitely out of it still from the meds, and Tayda is happy to have her buddy back. She's cuddling up to him and letting him lean on her as usual. Its quite cute. Here's some pics of the R & R happening right now....

    Thanks to everyone for their concern and support through this. Unfortunately I never got the green light from Lenny's breeder - she basically stopped corresponding with me a few weeks ago and I never heard from her again. Too bad....

  • You have good kids! Those pics are cute 😃 😃 :D…Tayda is being so good to Lenny! Glad to hear it went well (and cost less than you expected) and God speed to Lenny.

  • @Tayda_Lenny:

    Yes! I just got home from picking Lenny up. All went well and he is back home recovering. Due to several errors on the part of the staff that was quoting me the prices - I ended up paying $340 instead of $425… so that was a pleasant surprise.

    He seems to be doing fine. He's definitely out of it still from the meds, and Tayda is happy to have her buddy back. She's cuddling up to him and letting him lean on her as usual. Its quite cute. Here's some pics of the R & R happening right now....

    Thanks to everyone for their concern and support through this. Unfortunately I never got the green light from Lenny's breeder - she basically stopped corresponding with me a few weeks ago and I never heard from her again. Too bad....

    That is great that he came through with flying colors… and yes that is a shame that she didn't follow though with you and acknowledge that this was the best for all involved, especially you as the pet owner.... Again, like I said, this is what sometimes gives a breeders a bad rap... IMO.. the home is the most important.. way more the showing and/or breeding. If it was that important then she should have kept him.... hopefully your next experience will be a better one... But.. in the end.. Lenny has a great home and can now go back to the dog park!!!!!

  • still relaxing and cuddling with each other. Tayda has not left his side….

  • They do seem to know when they the ones they are love are sick or not "right".
    Sweet photos.
    I hope he is feeling better soon.

  • I'm glad everything went well. Tayda is being such a sweetie…what adorable pics.

  • ahhhh, thanks for sharing the pix

  • She's so sweet, watching over and taking care of him.

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