Vacationing with a B
@chenke Colorado? Love the pic. Thanks for feeding my soul a snack! 👍
replied to JENGOSMonkey on last edited by
Wyoming, but close! -
So I took my 5-month-old pup with me on a road trip from south Florida to North Carolina. it was 11 hours and I was prepared for the worst..... I was not looking forward to the trip in the car.
But the ride couldn't be easier, every time I stopped for gas she went pee and poop. For the rest of the trip, she was either sleeping or sitting in the seat, She wasn't uncomfortable at all. It was the same on the drive back. My nephew, on the other hand, was an absolute terror. If I would do that ride again, I would have put my nephew in the kennel and my puppy in the front seat with me.
Your mileage may vary of course from dog to dog.
I did my first trip with my dog this past May. We went to the beach for a few days. It rained most of the time there, but oddly enough his curiosity outweighed his fear of getting wet. We stayed in a BnB. I would definitely recommend taking something familiar along wherever you stay to make the adjustment a little easier or if you need to leave them alone for a little bit.
A campsite would be good for them to roam around. When we take on vacation, I also make sure to visit any local pet cafe so they could eat food we usually don't cook.