• Too cute! Maybe instead of sleeping in his crate he can sleep with his big sister? Crate training is awful…

  • lol I wish but Mia will have none of that, she sleeps under the covers and the few nights that Nike has been in the bed (on top of the covers), if he moves Mia lets out this tazmanian devil scream, its' quite scary lol

  • @Mia:

    if he moves Mia lets out this tazmanian devil scream, its' quite scary lol

    Hm I think I know that scream all too well after last night with Dallas. I swear our neighbors probably thought we were murdering a small child or something :eek: Did you try having nike sleep in the crate last night?

  • Ah yes we have that at our house too..so C3PO sleeps on top of the covers by our feet & TOPAZ can sleep under the covers up by our heads 😃 UUGGGHH I swear all these accomodations for these furballs :eek:

  • yes all the accomodations, you think they were royalty or something….oh wait they kind of are lol...Nike is fine in the crate until his 3am pee break, then he sleeps with us for 3 hours and is up for the morning around 6 or 7am. But we wear him out (well ok Mia does that) before bed time so he is passed out of our lap while watching TV and then gently, and I mean gently lol place him in the crate around 10-ish, he doesn't know the difference! Why can't they just cuddle and the world will be a better place lol

  • @Mia:

    Nike is fine in the crate until his 3am pee break, then he sleeps with us for 3 hours and is up for the morning around 6 or 7am. But we wear him out (well ok Mia does that) before bed time so he is passed out of our lap while watching TV and then gently, and I mean gently lol place him in the crate around 10-ish, he doesn't know the difference! Why can't they just cuddle and the world will be a better place lol

    See we tried that the first night & he woke up probably 15 minutes after he was in his crate & went nutso on us. Although that night we moved the crate into the bedroom & he fell back asleep after 5 minutes or so. I thought we wore him out last night since he fell asleep on Mark's chest about 30 minutes before bed but maybe we didn't wear him out quite enough…

  • And don't think that they don't know that there is ONE in the bed and they are in the crate!!! ggg…

  • It will get better! The first week is always rough 🙂

  • @Quercus:

    It will get better! The first week is always rough 🙂

    Yes, that is for sure… and there will always be "set backs"... just when you think you are home free.... wham... :eek:

  • well it's 50/50…there are good moments when they are playing outside with toys and everything in hunky dory, and then like you said Pat WHAM, Mia or Nike (he might only be 8lbs but geez can he lunge lol) will just loos it. I hope it's getting to know you kind of loose it and it will get better, like tomorrow lol...Actually they are doing better than I expected. Just the sleep thing I doubt will ever get better because Mia gets Tazmaniany around us when we try to move her in her sleep.

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