• So happy for you that everything came out okay ( 😃 ) and seriously that she's okay now.

  • @JazzysMom:

    Seems like the X-ray should have given them an idea whether it's a blockage or not?

    Apparently not always. A while back I watched the Animal Planet show about Vet interns and a big goofus puppy was brought in sick. The owner thought he might have eaten glue. :eek: The dog finally threw up part of a tennis ball and so the Vet thought he was out of the woods. A few days later the dog was brought back in still sick and getting sicker. Xrays were done with barium and they looked fine and no foreign object or obstruction could be seen. The dog was getting sicker and the decision was finally made to do exploratory surgery. The dog HAD eaten the glue and it formed a big ball in his stomach. The glue ball had absorbed the barium and made the x-ray look as if it had filled with the barium and like nothing else was there. Strange!


  • Wow….Ouch. the vet did offer to do the Barum study the next day. But when they saw her eat a treat off the floor, and they realized I could pay for another $800.00 they changed thier minds. (it was going to be more) Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful that she is better, but I'm sad to know that I might not be able to afford to rescue Sally, if she really is sick. I do save money but I do have 3 kids, and , let me say this with gusto..A LOT of medical bills that just came up. I don't want to think about that right now, again I'm just very glad she survived,and I'm going to work on why she ate the bedding to begin with. I put a camera out today and see that she is anxious when I leave her for more than 2 hours. 😞 By the way she still has a litlle inher. Hello.... Can you say Laxative!?

  • By the way.. Thank you BDawg..I love her new collars Here is the white and green one. I got the black and white and red heart one too…. SHE loves them to. Her neck looks great! It's so easy to take off and on. Thanks Again! see profile pic's the one on the right.

  • You don't even want to ask what Kristii's surgery was for the "whatever" she had in her gut… I have it and still can't figure it out...

    I am so glad that she passed everything on her own...

  • @massagemom3:

    Wow….Ouch. the vet did offer to do the Barum study the next day. But when they saw her eat a treat off the floor, and they realized I could pay for another $800.00 they changed thier minds. (it was going to be more) Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful that she is better, but I'm sad to know that I might not be able to afford to rescue Sally, if she really is sick. I do save money but I do have 3 kids, and , let me say this with gusto..A LOT of medical bills that just came up. I don't want to think about that right now, again I'm just very glad she survived,and I'm going to work on why she ate the bedding to begin with. I put a camera out today and see that she is anxious when I leave her for more than 2 hours. 😞 By the way she still has a litlle inher. Hello.... Can you say Laxative!?

    I hear ya;it is hard. I have six kids – one in college, one getting ready to head to college, two in braces w/one more waiting his turn, and two with Type I Diabetes.... it adds up to me hoping like crazy to keep my three dogs and two cats healthy! I can scrape up what I need generally, but anything catastrophic would be.. well,catastrophic!

  • Thanks, I appreciate your reply. Keep plugging away! I'm praying for your family!

  • @massagemom3:

    Thanks, I appreciate your reply. Keep plugging away! I'm praying for your family!

    Awww, thanks. 😃 I appreciate that. We do okay…you know, ya just keep plugging along! Life is GOOD!!

  • Just saw your post… 😉 Glad the collars are working out! Poor little thing looks like she could use a few pounds! I hope she's continuing to improve!

  • BDawg- She is feeling much better, and doing well on the Nutro. She has been eating a good amount of food each meal. I think she is getting used to it. She was very thin when we got her. She does gain, but not much. Now that she is better, I hope she gains again.

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