Your right the SPCA wasn't even concerned that they allowed a female to be there and didn't physically check her. They said may she was too hairy down there. NO HAIR! , I kept asking where is her inguinal scaring…my vet didn't even look. I'm going to a new vet! It also explained her being aggressive approx 1-2 weeks prior to us noticing her season had arrived. And Yes she is VERY clean. We just kept her in the kitchen with fresh towels every day, and she had little "show". She had enough mind you,but not a huge amount. She was so clean that she threw up a few days from cleaner herself. YUCK! I felt so bad for her. She slept a lot. But she is getting fixed soon. Yes I am having blood work done before the procedure. The SPCA didn't feel the need to do that, so I said No thank you.
Good for you!!!!! Sally is lucky to have a great caring MOM!!!!