• We're supposed to get our first snow tomorrow… It will be the first time I see Miles in snow. And today was the first day he came in shivering after our walk. I can't help but say I thought it was darling! Looks like I'll have to get him a Man Coat after all!! YES!!

  • Hey Jazzysmom…
    Did you have any or much of that terrible weather???

  • We haven't had the storms that the midwest has had… But it'll be interesting to see what today brings... let me check the forecast... please hold...

    this just in... 1-3 inches accumulation expected; 90% chance of snow. SWEET!
    Is 28, feels like 28. High today, 33. Buuuuurrrrrr!!

  • We got 3-4 inches of snow last night, amazingly Nexa and Leo liked it when I took them out this morning! They both stood in the sun room with this bewildered look, wondering what this white stuff is…hopefully, they’re this accepting all winter:)

  • When it first snows here in MN the b's in my house run out and then right back in looking at me - "I'll do my business when this goes away." Sometimes they have to go in and out a LOT before they finally figure out - nothings going to change.

    Even thought I have a patio and the wood deck for them - that I shovel off - they HAVE to plow through belly deep snow to get to 'their' spot. Sometimes if it gets really cold - I'll have to go out and carry one of the old dogs back as he gets so cold he won't move but just sits and cries.

    Ah the perils of the African dog in a Minnesota winter.

  • We got a foot of snow! 😃

  • most times the snow itself is not an issue for my dogs - it's when there is that bone chilling cold that really does them in.

  • Well,,,,,,we got our first snow of the winter here in southeastern ohio and I was very happy to find that the furbabies LOVE the snow! In fact today the temp was milder than yesterday so the "kids" stayed out quite a bit playing with each other then the neighbors lab. It was sooooooooo funny,,,,,,,they were running when one of them discovered a hump in the snow. Soon all three were trying to figure out what it was. They quickly realized it was one of their toys that we hadnt got to bring in before the snow and they acted like it was a buried treasure they way got excited!!! They chased each other around for at least 45 minutes taking turns in the lead with their "treasure"! I was a little worried about how long I should let them out in the snow – worried about their little paws. Anyone know how long is to long or will they let me know like usual when they have had enough of outside?

  • Here are some pics we took the other day in the snow…

    Miles is really fast…

    See… Look how fast!

    But the two of them totally enjoyed romping around.

    Miles with his Daddy.

    He likes to go under all the trees.

    PooPoo apparently does not like the snow as much. Either that- or she hates that coat, "It's not doing anything for [her]."

    Oh, my kids!

  • OH NO!! What is Lexi so upset about?? I've never seen her pretty teeth 😃 LOL!

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