Can anyone please explain this to me

  • O.k so I'm on the search for a B to be a companion for my 1 1/2 year old B son and I just came across something that has me very upset/saddened. Well a 9yr old Basenji pure breed ex-show dog has just been left behind from her previouse owners because they moved and could not take her with them. How is this possible? I could not even imagine getting rid of my B and he's only been with us for 7 months. This girl is well behaved, has no issues medically or anything and still has been tossed aside by her human parents. She was good enough for show but not anymore that she's retired. I just can't understand it so if there's someone out there to open my eyes to what I consider just heartless, please explain this to me. I want to take her in myself but we do have to think what is best for our B and that is another brother or sister his age that can be as active and playful as him. But I do tell you that my heart aches just thinking of this poor little girl being abandoned.:mad:

  • @luzmery928:

    O.k so I'm on the search for a B to be a companion for my 1 1/2 year old B son and I just came across something that has me very upset/saddened. Well a 9yr old Basenji pure breed ex-show dog has just been left behind from her previouse owners because they moved and could not take her with them. How is this possible? I could not even imagine getting rid of my B and he's only been with us for 7 months. This girl is well behaved, has no issues medically or anything and still has been tossed aside by her human parents. She was good enough for show but not anymore that she's retired. I just can't understand it so if there's someone out there to open my eyes to what I consider just heartless, please explain this to me. I want to take her in myself but we do have to think what is best for our B and that is another brother or sister his age that can be as active and playful as him. But I do tell you that my heart aches just thinking of this poor little girl being abandoned.:mad:

    It happens, but was this the breeder that left the dog behind?….. and if not what happened to the breeder?

  • And to add to this… how many times have you seen a B or any dog given up with a "reason".... we just had a "human" child and the dog is a "pest"... regardless of how they sugar coat the reason.. this is what it comes to.. too much trouble to worry about a dog when now they have decided to have a baby.... I have seen this way more times then I care to admit... it is really sad... along with.. they are too old and too much trouble... they need extra care.... or the kids are grown and we want to travel and the "dog" is preventing us....

  • How sad…I really despise those people that forget that pets are for life. 😞

  • Some people have animals. We have family members. My dogs are literally my kids. And I could not imagine leaving them behind or giving them to a shelter and just driving away. People today are not as committed as they should be. No one takes marriage seriously. Parenting is not taken as seriously as it should be. So why should we expect people would stay true to their dogs when they can't be good to each other. Hmm, that came out a little pessimistic. Sorry. I really get disappointed with the world sometimes. I just don't understand why people can't just be better. It's sad. I think most people know right from wrong – and yet they still choose to do whatever is best for them. It's a selfish reality.

  • It really is and the sad part is her chances for readoption are limited because she's older. My husband and I have been feeling so bad since we read this and I was even trying to convince my husband that having her wouldn't really count as #2 since she is so quiet and well behaved. She can be our decorative dog and we can still get another B to play with Champ. I was even talking to Champ and telling him how nice it would be for him to have a B mother figure. Yes I am nuts. Unfortunantly our home is just not big enough, I know for 3 dogs but still I keep debating it in my mind.

  • As for her breeder or who were her last owners, it does not say.

  • Just because she is 9 doesn't mean she won't be active and play with Champ. I have a 9 year old and he regularly plays with thw 2 year old and the 9 month old. It may be that you end up considering a third in a couple of years but being 9 does not equate to not being playful. That is part of what makes it so sad. If you watch the Veterans classes at events you can see how much older Bs really love to get out do the things they used to. My Nicky loves to go in the ring with his "Aunt" Pat as a Veteran and show off. Of course it depends on the dog. Each one is an individual.

    I would also be wondering if the breeder was notified. Did they give her registered name?

  • No they did not give any more info. Hmmm I'm wondering if I should think about this more. Maybe we'll contact them since they are in NY and find out more info as far as if she would be good with Champ.

  • I agree with lvoss. Just because the dog is 9 does not mean she is "over the hill". She may be worth looking into. You never know.

  • I just sent them an e-mail and asked if she might be a good addition to our family. We'll see maybe she can show Champ how to relax

  • Wow already received a reply. They told me that she gets along very well with males and they don't see a problem with the age difference. I will speak to them over the phone later on tonight.

  • O.k so does anyone have real life experience with bringing an older lady into the home already occupied by a young terror?

  • First meeting should always, always be on netural territory

  • @luzmery928:

    No they did not give any more info. Hmmm I'm wondering if I should think about this more. Maybe we'll contact them since they are in NY and find out more info as far as if she would be good with Champ.

    You should try and find out "who" the breeder is… and make sure if this is not the person trying to place her that they were notified

  • She actually through BRAT

  • @luzmery928:

    She actually through BRAT

    OK, thanks… that means that if they knew the breeder, typically they would have advised them

  • My Jala came from a similar situation. 😞 The breeder just wanted to flick her off after having showed and bred from her because her home situation changed. I mean, it's sad, but happens. It just makes me love Jala more. 🙂

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