• @steven12 said in Please help!:

    lemon juice with coconut powder

    While unproven home remedies suggest those for yeast, I cannot imagine what makes you think it will calm the dog. Also not sure the lemon juice would be good for soaking nightly as it can affect pH level.

  • @cherif

    Some observations.

    Generally, just ask for a show of hands, I'm the one usually accused of harsh responses. It's a bit amusing to see them. Yes, some were harsh, but in an "our job is to make sure the puppy is taken care of, not try to tell you that you are perfectly logical and right in what you are doing." If you try to remember that this forum is dedicated to the dogs, you'll (Edit, no idea how I erased it before) take it less personally.

    Anyone extrapolating that your distress means you don't/won't love the puppy is out of line... as is the foul-mouthed response to her. You have a new puppy and your expectations need adjusting.

    Something that concerns me is that both you and Samm got puppies that are pretty... emotional. That trip from France to Beirut, all the changes.. that could explain everything. But you both need to be talking to the breeder about temperament and quirks of their line. Someone suggested... and it seems to have gotten lost ... is to make SURE the sudden pee/poop isn't medical.

    You are moving too fast and the result is flipping her out and then you're reacting to that. It's normal. But understand that the concern is that if you think things are out of control now, stay on the path you are on. Start over. Reevaluate her needs because if she's happy, you'll be happy. 🙂 There is no getting around the suggestions of everyone that she needs to be with you. If you had a big pack, it might be easier to get them all to sleep elsewhere... but right now, it really is cruel.

    The crate issue needs to be fixed as soon as things settle. At some point, she could need crating and you don't want both the stress of an emergency and not used to a crate at the same time.

    Btw, I'm in Haifa, Israel. If you both aren't familiar with parkwork, please call your vets quickly. In the US we have heartworms. Here it's parkworm. Feel free to message me if you need any info on it.

    It sounds trite, but honestly, things get better. Look at her as a baby and one you have time to work on shaping her.

    Mary's lessons are very easy to follow. She's also very calm and approachable so if you have questions, I'll give you her email.

  • Jellybeans. That was the key to my crate training my son's basenji. NOT black jellybeans, they stink. Cinnamon is not a favorite. The dog only gets jelly beans in the crate. Even today, if we have workmen in and I need to crate, she knows by the jelly beans that all is well, and she calms (but still is vocal - she is a Basenji after all 🙂

  • @DebraDownSouth Thank you for your reply... My grandma used to apply it on her cat and it worked for her.
    @cherif maybe her anxiety comes from heart issues ? have you tried to take her to a cardiologist ?

  • @cherif how’s pipa doing? Hope she is better and you are enjoying her company 🙃
    Mine is doing great! So if you need any help don’t hesitate.

    Tc bud

  • Hello guys, pippa is amazing! she have her full confidence now and is learning super quickly 🙂

    Thank you all for your help!

  • @cherif please talk to her in your local language not
    In English!

    With mistakes such as « she have » she will be learning poor grammar mistakes. And this cannot be acceptable for a Basenji!!!😡

    Thank you for your understanding

  • @steven12 NO ! Bring her up to be multi lingual - Basenjis are great communicators and need the challenge of two (or more) languages !

  • @cherif Basenjis are not for everyone, My personal feeling is that if you want a dog in a crate who doesn't sleep with you a basenji is not for you. If you are able to treat your basenji as an equal being that lives with you, that you respect and love great, but your dog is already acting out, you can't force a basenji to do anything, has to be mutual respect between you if not give her to someone who knows basenji's so that she can be happy,
    not kept crated and sleeping alone.

  • @cherif havent heard about you in a while? How is ur progress with Pipa? Are you happier now? Does she listen you know? Please update ...

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