Aggressive towards other dogs
@Lustopher Welcome to the rutting season ! This is the time of year Basenji bitches in the Northern Hemisphere come into season and the boys know it. They also know that the very survival of the species depends on THEM. Even neutered Basenjis males will get edgy this time of year. My two have started checking up on every dog we meet in the woods - and while some don't mind, others object so I have taken to going earlier and earlier to avoid seeing other people with dogs.
Have a read (on my own website) of Basenji Boys Have A Rutting Season Too -
Be firm and it will all settle down again around Christmas ! -
I know this is the second day, but I'm just amazed as to how much more responsive he is. Last night we all went for a walk, and usually he is much more agitated when it's both me and my wife with him (for some reason), but this time around he didn't even care that my wife would sometimes remain behind or would be in front (due to sudden U turns).
And today, he only had one sudden lunge at a fence, whereas before he would pretty much do it at all fences where he'd hear a dog. But even then, I was ready and as soon as he lunged forward I turned and called him and the leash barely tensioned, he was right next to me in a second. And when we turned around, he was just focused on me and ignored the barking.
Besides, he seems to be more tired than on a usual walk. He goes right on the sofa or his kennel and lays down. I suppose that all that focus tires him quite a lot.
I don't know why I haven't applied this earlier, with all the other training. But I guess it's only natural that we all learn from mistakes.
Things took a 180 turn, unfortunately. Feels like everything has reset, barely listening, even in doors. Constant whining and restless, feels like he wants to stay outside all day.
I am going to assume it's because of the mating season, since he is all over the place sniffing and marking. How long does this usually last?
@Lustopher I am afraid you have another couple of months of the rutting season in our breed. Basenji bitches come into season (in the Northern Hemisphere) normally from late September to the beginning / middle of December. These days there are many litters born out of the usual time-frame too - but I reckon my boys will snap out of it early December and by Christmas all will be back to normal again.
Taking them to the woods to hunt squirrels will no longer mean they have to check every female they meet - or for that matter males too. Other entire males could pose a threat - - -
From the New Year though, everything will be sunshine and light and they will bow politely in passing but not expect to sniff every canine rear end in Christendom !
Neutering them doesn't prevent this behaviour in the rutting season. As I have so often said, you can cut off the means but you can't remove those 6000 year old urges. You just have to be patient. This too shall pass -
The joys of owning a male basenji during rutting season; just remember you arenāt in it alone; it will soon be over.
First time my boy experienced rutting season he would cry constantly at home; wasnāt to bothered with intact males.
Second rutting season he wanted nothing to do with males and all round a right pain to deal with. A GSD he grew up with and used to love is now his enemy since the second rutting season.
Currently he seems much easier this year; only gets triggered if another dog flirts with his lady.
I think each male deals with rutting seasons differently then others.
@Kembe But Kembe, it is nothing to worry about. It is perfectly normal for Basenjis and so far this year I have to agree with @Micah, my boys have (until now and touch wood very hard) been much more relaxed than when they were younger. As long as I can tire them out in the forest where they chase squirrels, they are fine indoors.
In fact, I wish I could train them to find mushrooms ! There are more around this year than for a long time and today, for instance, I collected about a pound (once cleaned) of edible cep. Last week I filled my bag most days. The boys love these foraging walks because I don't even follow back trails, I go totally off piste into the tall timber. And while I am foraging for things to eat, they race around and tire themselves out.
Just be patient. As long as you understand what is going on with Iko that is a BIG step in the right direction.
Sparkle Barkle came into heat in April. Logan went nuts! I was traveling so my wife was saddled with the mayhem. Mayhem doesn't begin to describe the situation. Sparkle should be coming in again within days, I hope, and unfortunately, he won't get any love this time either. He's gonna be a massive handful for at least a MONTH. I'm not traveling this time, so it's all on me. Cross your fingers for Tri females. I want three!