My Basenji is only aggressive towards other basenjis

  • I take my two b's to the dog park about everyday. My Roo who is fixed always gets in fights with other basenjis. If any other breed, Roo will just walk away. Why is it basenjis only? Does he "know" they are the same breed?

  • Yes, they know…. I have always told people that contray to "popular" opinion, Basenjis will typically get along better with other breeds then with their own...

  • @tanza:

    Yes, they know…. I have always told people that contray to "popular" opinion, Basenjis will typically get along better with other breeds then with their own...

    I'll 2nd that.

  • Funny, our weekly group of basenjis get along far better with each other, and even any new basenji, than with other dogs. Of course, the core group has known each other for many years and really like each other, and they are very suspicious of other breeds, especially really furry breeds! We have met one young female basenji who got along better with any other dogs, and started fights with ANY basenji, but the majority that we meet are welcomed into "the pack".

    One basenji, without the support of a group however, may feel the need to stand up to another basenji. They certainly DO recognize their own breed!

    Anne in Tampa

  • You know, my boyz like dogs the same color as they are. Jet LOVES tri colored dogs - Berners, tri Aussies, etc. And last time they were at Anne's dog park, poor Digital was the only brindle basenji. Jet played with the basenjis and Diggie went and hung out with a brindle greyhound. Remember that Anne?

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