Kibble recommendations?
@zande - I think that jkent said she was feeding raw chicken wings... I have never had issues with those, but chicken necks are better. My Basenjis have always had 2 meals a day, one at about 6am (used to be 5am when I was working) and 5:30pm. Then at bed time they got a very small snack and that worked find to save off bile barfing, 99% of the time. Have done this for all 35+ yrs in the breed along with raising my litters (of course they got more feedings depending on age) but when sent home at 10wks it was 3 meals a day (not increased food, just broken up to 3 meal) till they were 4 months then 2 meals. Also I have never used puppy food, I have always fed my Basenjis and their pups adult kibble same as the adults eat. If you use good quality kibble you are just spending more money on puppy food, it is no better for them. And remember when you take a pup home and it is the only Dog in the home, many times because they no longer have that competition for food like with their litter mates, they can get an additude on eating. That is why I always recommend that you put the bowl down for no more than 10 minutes and if they do not eat you take it away until the next feeding. Believe me they will not stave themselves! They will learn to eat when given to them... no different that human children, IMO. Also mine get from a very early age veggies and fruits (watermelon is a total favorite!) raw or steamed. My Basenjis love root veggies (squash, all kinds is a favorite), lettuce, cucumbers, etc and get those (different every day) with their evening meal with their kibble. In the morning they get their kibble with wet mixed in... during the day they get a spoon full of plain yogurt. When first giving them veggies they may play with it first but then they acquire a taste for it....
@tanza Basically we do the same, and have done over similar lengths of time ! We've grown old with the Breed !
Two meals a day, regular dog food and maybe left over veggies. Its the frequency of the meals that disturbs me. And no, I never feed chicken bones. Nor have I ever cleaned teeth :face_with_tears_of_joy: or had one needing dental treatment.
Adult food at once, ground fine, perhaps when they are tiny, for the home bred ones. These last two have been moved over to adult a.s.a.p. !
@eeeefarm Thanks! I never looked it up, I've just heard it mentioned before (and my own anecdote, of course). This thread certainly makes me feel better about continuing to give wet food to my girl. We are really big on giving her fresh food too.
When I picked up my dogs from my breeder, she gave me a very detailed diet. I won’t go in to that though because we’re talking about puppies. I’m guessing it’d be a different diet and I don't know anything about puppy diets.
As far as teeth and kibble… we’ve always wetted kibble and still do. Jengo had bad teeth and I had to have his cleaned several times. The vet always had to anesthetize him and recovery, for him, was rough. He also had to have a few teeth extracted as he got older. I discussed this with my breeder and she gave me her solution.
Every evening before bed both dogs get one last treat. I give them two cubes each of Hill's Prescription Diet t/d Dental Care Dry Dog Food. Just two cubes. I was able to get it from my vet with no problem at all. It’s made to break down plaque and clean teeth. My breeder's been breeding Basenjis for 35+ years. I trust her.
@tanza You misunderstood what I was trying to illustrate. No one should be alarmed if their dog isn't eating the exact same amount, of the exact same food, day after day. Thousands of years of the evolution of the animal indicates that it isn't the way they eat. Your may have trained your dogs to do it, and it may work very well for you. But that isn't a natural instinct, so... entirely different concepts.
@jkent said in Kibble recommendations?:
raw chicken wings
No cause for concern... raw chicken bones are digestible without an issue. (Cooked ones, on the other hand, are prone to splinter and should never be given to a dog. ) Perhaps a chicken thigh bone would be big enough to warrant a chew before swallowing it(?). I like to give doodle beef neck bones. They tend to be the right size and store very well in the freezer. My only warning there is that it hurts to step on them. Not sure why doodle leaves them in the middle of the path!
@zande I'm not giving her rich processed food at the dinner table, but unprocessed whole foods like chicken, potatoes and vegetables at her usual mealtime, so not much different to what is in her tin but fresher. I only do this once or twice per week to add variety and freshness, as most of our meals are not suitable anyway. Some people make their own dog food but I don't have the time for that so I just supplement instead.
From what I have read, other than suitability, the issue with giving human food is about calorie density and I am mindful not to give her anything rich. I don't think that letting her enjoy a bit of dog appropriate healthy variety or feeding her at family meal times is treating her like a human - she's a family dog.
The bile started when we picked her up at 8 weeks and the breeder had been feeding her 4 times daily. I did consider that it might be the food causing it but we changed brands and it made no difference. The only thing that made a difference was keeping up with the frequent feeding and as others on this thread have said having a small snack before bed. I have read (including on this forum) that's it's quite common in Basenjis to get bile if they don't eat for too long, so I don't think that 4 smaller meals per day which include some unprocessed whole foods is causing it.
Although I can see that for most people feeding twice daily works well, I don't think there is one size that fits all and as dogs are scavengers, they are surely designed to tolerate eating frequently if that works better for the individual. Most sources recommend feeding adult dogs at least twice daily to avoid bloat That said I do plan to decrease the frequency as she continues to mature.
Her digestion seems fine on this regime - the only time she has an upset stomach or sloppy poo is when I have tried her on small quantities of raw food or she has managed to eat something unsuitable whilst out walking. It has also not yet resulted in food guarding or fussiness to eat her normal dog food.
I fed her raw chicken wings rather than cooked to avoid splintering. It is suggested on the RSPCA website as suitable for puppies from 12 weeks to keep teeth healthy.
replied to JENGOSMonkey on last edited by
@jengosmonkey I haven't heard of a dog food for teeth before. Thanks for the link! I'll ask my vet about it!