My laugh of the day, agilebasenji!
Lockdown puppies' flood rescue centres
@tanza said in Lockdown puppies' flood rescue centres:
... but go by what they read on line that they are "non-barking" or hyperallergic which are NOT true for Basenjis... they might not bark like many breeders but they are NOT silent, they make all other dog noises and then some, some that would raise the hair on the back of your neck.
Like this? My son took Logan for a run. Sparkle came and let me know how she felt about it. took me a minute to get the phone going. Can you imagine this... in an appartment? OMG!
@jengosmonkey - Yup that is one of the noises that a Basenji can make... however when they are really pissed, you could find the police at your home...!
My second girl, Lady, had a really high pitched howl. When she let loose the neighbours didn't even know it was a dog, they thought some kind of wild animal. Fortunately she didn't howl often. The screaming, if they are really upset, is a lot worse. My first girl, Val, would scream when I tried to pill her! The neighbours probably thought I was killing her!
Hoover used to scream. Rose, the lady with the Spaniel I used to walk in the woods with in the good old pre- covid days, was terrified by it. She thought the dog was dying.
I know that “basenji scream” - sends chills up your spine. When my B has done it it - you’d think someone was trying to KILL HER. Otherwise she was never that vocal - an occasional yawn and I think I’ve only heard her baroo twice. But I’ve definitely heard her SCREAM! -
Jengo always sang when the my son played the piano. I can make Logan talk by either fixing him a meal (he get's very excited, but has no patience) or I can say BEEP BEEP! to him. That makes him talk back. It's weird too because I swear he can count. Two beeps and two baroos. Three beeps and three baroos. Princess Sparkle though... she makes weirdest noises of any of them. When my wife or I come home she makes this really gravely growl chattering talking sound at us while jumping up to greet us. It's really sweet, but hard to believe it's coming from this petite sweet little princess thing.
My boy Sunny would howl on cue. We had a little "howling song" that we would sing, and that set him off. Also, the phrase "you're only a dog and that's all you'll ever be" would result in instant howling! And once started, he would continue. I have a video where I picked him up and held him upside down, and he continued to howl!