@redial Yes she is Shiba Inu and basenji mix, gets the longer hair from the Shiba, she actually looks quite a lot like the Shiba Inu, just some facial aspects that are affected by the basenji, and her coloring of the red brown
Only a Basenji would look upside down like that rather than turn their head sideways, it's hilarious. One thing that Basenjis do is make me laugh, they are silly but so serious doing it!
no just try to look my best and like I know what I am doing. I owner/handle my dogs. I cannot afford a handler, they make more in one weekend than I make all week.. LOL…
I wish I could be a handler I love to show. It gives me a rush. I don't care who's dog it is. I sometimes help my friend and show her Saluki. I love it.