@redial Yes she is Shiba Inu and basenji mix, gets the longer hair from the Shiba, she actually looks quite a lot like the Shiba Inu, just some facial aspects that are affected by the basenji, and her coloring of the red brown
What a beautiful dog. There are free apps that use photos of dogs to analyze dog breeds. It’s not the same of course as doing a DNA test. I really like Dog Scanner and Gozer. Your dog may be part Norrbottenspet. Like my rescue dog, it’s definitely a wonderful mix.
Not as often as he used to, but he still does it once in a big while, and then he tries to dive under the couch like he used to, but instead he just slams into it because he is too big! haha
We look as though we're going to be snowed and iced in for several more days. The Basenjis say Hooray but I'm not so sure. They're like children - always trying to find the untrodden snow. Bungwa never wants to come in - he's even out there at night!
I love the pictures, Nicola!
Wow, what great action pictures..of course I love the ones of the Tillo and the other basenjis too, but Barry's picture coming full steam ahead is awesome…and Smitty and Cy are so stellar...
I love y'alls pictures, thanks for sharing them with us..
Sometimes I let EL D sit on my lap while I work on the computer but often he gets antsy and stands up and starts to try to climb onto the desk and snatch stuff. :) Just like in your picture