@redial Yes she is Shiba Inu and basenji mix, gets the longer hair from the Shiba, she actually looks quite a lot like the Shiba Inu, just some facial aspects that are affected by the basenji, and her coloring of the red brown
What a beautiful dog. There are free apps that use photos of dogs to analyze dog breeds. It’s not the same of course as doing a DNA test. I really like Dog Scanner and Gozer. Your dog may be part Norrbottenspet. Like my rescue dog, it’s definitely a wonderful mix.
I give all the credit regarding Kipawa's mellowness to our breeders Therese and Kevin (FoPaw's Basenjis). They obviously did so much work in exposing Kipawa to a number of sounds and experiences. The carwash experience was really interesting. I thought he would be scared of it, but instead he seemed really curious. He especially loved the pink, green and yellow foam bubbles against the windows. Maybe he could pick up that I like them too? :)
OMD! That's the biggest bean bag type of pillow I've ever seen. Those pups must be in heaven! Well maybe not heaven. Heaven would mean the main human bed. BUT those pups look like they have a great comfort right there. Great pixs!