Judge information Raymond V Filburn

  • Any info on judge Raymond V Filburn likes, dislikes, will he do color, does he like smaller or bigger basenjis, toplines, etc. any and all info will be appreciated. I am trying to figure out which special to enter.

  • Hi Laura,
    We've won and lost under Ray. In general, I'd say he prefers a moderate dog that can move well. Haven't noticed a color preference. I would say he seems to put up males more often than females, but that seems to be a tendency with all Basenji judges…. and I don't think he would hesitate to put up the girl if she was the better dog!


  • I have always enjoyed showing to him with dogs of any color. He seems to put up a strong mover with good topline. My boy Xander won with him several times and he is a larger brindle boy.

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