• Can you believe they want him back as someone to
    endorse their products?:eek:
    Sigh. Makes me sick.

  • At least the brand "Big Dog" didn't hire him!

    The silver lining is that now pits are not automatically PTS after confiscation in much of the country, thanks to the work done with the Vick dogs. And any protests about Vick keep it in the public eye!

  • Hard to keep quiet when I remember the HORROR those dogs suffered at that man's hands. Also, to know he is getting a butt load of $$$ now.
    Tough to think that is right.

  • And here's the link to Nike. At the bottom right of the page you can click on Customer Service and send an email to them with your thoughts on the matter:

    I already emailed them!

  • For anyone who thinks this pond scum should be "forgiven"… that he paid for his crime.. he never showed any remorse. He mouthed words to get a job.

    "As that dog lay on the ground, fighting for air, Quanis Phillips grabbed its front legs and Michael Vick grabbed its back legs. They swung the dog over their head like a jump rope then slammed it to the ground. The first impact didn't kill it. So, Phillips and Vick slammed it again. The two men kept at it, alternating back and forth, pounding the creature against the ground until, at last, the little red dog was dead."

    Thanks for the link Sharon, I posted it on Facebook and I wrote them!

  • This guy, I just don't have the words to say, but his dogs will find justice, if not in this life, then when he passes. I truly believe that!

  • Sharron, thanks for the link. I sent them a message last night after I saw your post of FB. I will never buy any of their products again. I encourage everyone to send them a message. I just don't understand why they have done this. I mean, they dropped Tiger Williams, and he didn't kill anyone or any dogs.

  • And, in an interview with someone (don't remember who), he said he hoped he could get another dog some day (part of his "punishment" was that he could never own another dog). That's scary to even contemplate…hope to #@&% it never happens!

    I'm sending off an email to Nike!

  • I had to pass this on to a couple of friends who deal with other breeds. Sure I'll get some comments back negitive saying he's paid his dues.

  • I just sent my feelings to them as well, and I can easily boycott their products.

  • What is a puzzle to me is the dropped Tiger for dealing badly with adults, ie, his family.
    They take this convict back into their group.
    WHAT is with that???

  • If he ever showed REMORSE or understanding for his actions, I might be less sick every time I see him. But if you check out his interviews, testimony, etc, what he acknowledges is simply that society doesn't agree, not that what he did was monstrous, period.

  • Agreed. What is Nike thinking????

  • Houston

    Look I'm not saying what he did was right cuz it's a horrible thing. But you obviously have only watched the interviews the media did at first. Vick is clearly not the same person he was and anyone who knows or knew him agrees, and he has since cut out the people in his life who were involved with that and other things he did, last year he did public speaking on his story to schools all over the country, for the whole year not because he was made but because he wanted to help with his cautionary story. Being caged like a dog can change ur perspective on things. And if Nike didn't do it the next guy would have

  • I am a football fan and Mike Vic had one of the best years of his career last year. I told all my friends I didn't want to hear it. Yea, the NFL takes back players who have been convicted of murder. blah, blah….He's been forgiven and he's great, blah, blah....

    I acutally think he should be able to get another dog. A big one...with big teeth. it might actually be the best treated dog on the planet, he would be so in the public eye. I guess he has said his kids want one? I didn't know he had kids. If he does, I hope they are old enough to understand what their Dad did and to learn from it. Learn what NOT to do, who NOT to be.

    I just don't understand hurting animals......I don't care what your excuse is, it's inexcusable! Totally messed up!

  • I got a ridiculous reply from Nike…. blah, blah, blah and then saying he has paid his debt to society. Definitely a canned response. Well, Nike isn't ever going to be on my list of stores to shop in.

  • Houston

    Good thing Nike isn't a store then huh… It's a brand, and u obviously believe that your perfect and don't make mistakes because u have never done anything to be sorry for or be forgiven for. He went to FEDERAL prison, not time out in the corner. And if you all wanna be so ritious with tour pseudo Christian beliefs... Adultry (woods) is a specific law from god... Dog fighting even for money however is not

  • Just to be clear, nike is a brand but has it's own stores dedicated to the brand- commonly found in outlet malls and higher end plazas. Your information's incorrect and your comment was snide!

  • Houston

    I stand corrected… Now until you have something remotely to do with the topic to state, go play post fact checker somewhere else. Because I was only implying that Nike could give 2 ****s about a boycott, that's like going up against coke...all the more reason for them not to care is because they know in 2012 the get the NFL jersey contract, so go about not buying tennis shoes, or cleats or shirts or socks from them but my guess is half the people saying that never bought it that much anyway.

  • You are the one playing " checker", you couldn't wait to call kipawa out on her comment about not shopping at Nike stores. Looks to me like you are the one who doesn't have anything relevant to say on the topic. If you would like to share your view on the subject then you are free to do so but that isn't what you are doing. Attacking others for not supporting nike is their right just as its yours to think its fine that vick is signed with nike. Lastly, I don't remember saying I am boycotting
    any brand nor do I feel the need to share my opinion on the subject but if you wish to be ignorant on a " public" forum then be prepared to look like an idiot spouting off at the mouth. Because in case you aren't aware- that's exactly what you look like
    P.s- I didn't need to check to see if Nike was a store just to prove you were wrong, its common knowledge.. I don't care enough to go researching the topic

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