Pizza Hut
Dear Sharron,
Thank you for your feedback. One of our spots mistakenly aired during the Michael Vick show a few weeks ago. Upon notification that the spot did run, we contacted the BET Network and requested that it be immediately removed from this program moving forward. We do appreciate you taking time to notify us of the issue.
We appreciate your business!
Pizza Hut Customer Service
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Sigh … again it all goes to funding or lack there of probably. Politics.
I will again say that most animal control departments are vastly understaffed and therefore enforcement of the county's various animal related laws is complaint driven. They just do not have the staff to properly enforce the laws currently on the books. In most counties, they would probably find a huge decrease in the number of shelter dogs if they could actually enforce the laws currently in place, especially the leash law. Many of the unwanted puppies result from breedings that happen while dogs are roaming offleash. Until animal control can enforce the laws currently in place there is no reason for new laws, they won't make any difference.
…but God and Rielly showed her who is really in control -- he was born almost exactly 24 hours before the scheduled C-section! hee hee I told her, 'Welcome to parenthood. Now you know exactly how much control you have over your life. " hee
Now that is funny!;)