And so it begins….the shame.
Update on my story:
I have kept Gizmo away from the Dog Park since the first story, in an attempt to reduce this behavior.
So he has been calm lately, and yesterday I decided to treat him on a trip to the Dog Park.There where around 5 other dogs there, which was nice. Gizmo was VERY eager to get out and play…or so I thought....
The biggest dog was a Boxer, and Gizmo went right up to him and hung out. Things went rather well. I talked a lot to the owners, and they informed me he was well trained, and never bites just makes a lot of noise. So I felt safe after watching Gizmo have fun for 10 minutes or so.
But the Gizmo wants to test out his new fun past time...embarrassing me. So Gizmo "mounts" the boxer on his side (he still hasn't found out what end to work at), and starts doing his "bunny-hop" thrusts.
I go "uh-oh", but the owners just laugh and say "don't worry, The Boxer (I forget his name), will let him know not to do that."
And sure enough The Boxer turns his head and makes a growl and bark. Never biting. Gizmo is stunned, and stands frozen. The Boxer goes back to playing with the other dogs.Gizmo stands away for a few seconds, and then jumps right back at mounting The Boxer. Again his owners laugh and comment that Gizmo just couldn't take the hint.
Well this time The Boxer was more than annoyed. He was pissed. Gizmo got off 2-3 thrusts and The Boxer spun around! All 4 of his feet left the ground as he did a 180 and turned to face Gizmo. He let off a HUGE growl and bark, then a long and serious growl. Had a short stare down at Gizmo, whom then had his ears back, and tail down to the ground...he veeery slowly started to back away.The Boxer then turned back to the other dogs and played. Gizmo on the other hand sat there shocked, his ears still turned back. I could see he was thinking hard "What? I can't do that?"
Gizmo walked, while every 3 steps turned to look at the other dogs playing, back to me and the other owners. He sat down and sat there watching the other dogs play. Every now and then he would stand up, but only to sit down again.Poor little guy, I could see he was "hurt" by being yelled at like that. He really wanted to play, but didn't dare to.
So for the first time, Gizmo came willingly to leave the Dog Park.Hopefully he has learned his lesson. I plan to take a trip to the park today as well.
It hurts top watch them be corrected by other dogs. I'm glad it was understanding owners who had the Boxer. And I'm glad the Boxer was easy on little Gizmo. He'll learn what's okay and what's not. I hope that Boxer is there next time you go to the park. He sounds like a good teacher.
I am glad that the Boxer decided to be nice and just yell at Gizmo, some other dog might have gone nuts on him and really told him off. Gizmo will learn what behaviour is Ok and not, especially if he has good, nice teachers..
The more exposure he has to this type of venues the better he will get at reading other dogs andlearn from that.. -
PERFECT!! That is exactly what he needed, and the perfect age to learn it. Once he is an adult, that would probably turn into a fight…but that Boxer should be given the lifetime teacher award! Perfect! Definitely take him again today, and see how it goes, you don't want him to think he isn't allowed to play...just not allowed to hump :)
Ahaha, oh I am still laughing after being at the park today. Only one dog was there, BUT it was 1 years old, and still very much a puppy.
So for a twist Gizmo was the one getting mounted!!! Ahahaha! Oh man, it was SO funny seeing Gizmo getting a taste of his own medicine. And to make it even funnier, Gizmo too was doing the mounting stuff.
So we (me and the owner of the other dog), ended up witnessing something that made us both uncomfortable. Gizmo and this other dog switching back and forth.I filmed it, so once I get it uploaded I will post the link. Don't know how well it turned out, since they were pretty far away.
Here is the video, I just put together everything I filmed that day at the park.
3:26 is the worst…ugg. -
Your Dog park stories have me in stitches :D :D I can just imagine the Boxers face.
Looks like Gizmo had a great day today with the other pup, but i see what you mean about 3.26 (Oh my goodness ) :D -
Oh how funny. Looks like ageneral hump fest…
I bet Gizmo wishes he had siblings at home, he would brag and funny.