Hey, that's MINE!
Thank you so much for the vote of confidence, Mr. Nobarkus. :p What I have not told y'all yet is I can train cats hehehe :D
Talk about hiding things. My last 2 Basenjis, Nika and Ringo used to steal those rawhide chews from each other by baiting and playing tricks. OK so Ringo would get form Nika and go in the corner of the living room and stick it right in the corner then with his nose push virtual dirt over it to bury it. Yep, rubbing his nose on the carpet to push that dirt over it:D Nika sitting and watching on the couch. Then Ringo would look around and feeling it was well buried walk away only to have Nika fly over and grab it. This game would go on and on. It was like watching a PBS nature show.
:D Benji used to hide food in the corner of the room and scrape virtual dirt over it, he would spend ages doing this and because we had a bare floor his nose would make squeaking sounds :D Sometimes he wouldn't be satisfied it was well enough hidden and he would pick a new spot and repeat the process. Like your Nika our other dog would sit watching, wait for him to walk away and then amble over and eat the goody :D
AJs human, im just jealous that you use hair ties.
Unfortunately i wouldnt have a use for them nowadays unless its for chest hair!:eek:
That's really neat we use to go to the Indian Res in Stroud, Okla. My grandparent's last name is also Stroud funny right. My aunt was full blooded I have Indian in me but that darn German in me takes over ever now and again. While my children are Indian, Greman, Japanese made my daughter beautiful my son not sure he is still growing.
Rita Jean
I just call children the two legged ones. I bet your daughter is beautiful. Well the Japanese and Indian really made my daughter beautiful. My mother in-law when she was young was to die for so so very beautiful. My husband is very handsome as long as he has his beard hard to see or tell the Japanese but without hello.
Rita Jean
That is neat that you lived in Japan I would love to see it but I am not to crazy about flying. Until you can drive there I am not going. My father-in-law was Army how he of course meet and married mom. My husband brother Frank was born in Japan. My husband was born in Texas and was in Arkansas.
Rita Jean
I lived in Japan for 1 1/2 yrs as a teenager. My stepdad was a Marine. We were on the island of Okinawa. Japanese women are very beautiful. I love their fine features. I'll wager your daughter has no shortage of fawning beaux.
I spent a year on Okinawa as a Marine when I was 19 (73-74).