• Here are a few pics to peruse.

    Okay, so these aren't kid related, but they are food related! We were cutting a ham and of course they weren't allowed in, but they sure did want to come in!

    On to the Kiddie pics.

    First, a little kiss on the nose. I said come here so I can kiss you!

    And this is how we stuff ourselves into the crate! Poor Johnny, the abuse he takes from the child. Don't worry, remember plastic is a food group and Johnny gets back at the child.

  • This is a hoot. I didn't see Johnny in the crate at first! The first one would make a great title slide for "Attack of the Zombasenjis"

  • lol @ Zombasenji's!

    We made sure to let Chris' little cousins (aged 3-12) tug and play with Paco a lot when he was a young pup (supervised, of course, and with care to make sure the kids understood what could "hurt" Paco). I was so proud of him the other day when we met friends for dinner at a restaurant and we brought Paco, and their 4-year old spent the whole time batting at Paco, "petting" his tail (often holding it) and screeching in his face. He loved it all up to a point, and at that point, he came and curled up under me to get away. 🙂

  • Those pictures are adorable! You are doing the right thing getting the B's attached to kids when they are all young. For that matter, all animals (including humans) get along with other species when they are introduced while everybody's little and no one has learned manners yet, so they don't "correct" each other.

  • I love the pictures

  • @Shaye's:

    For that matter, all animals (including humans) get along with other species when they are introduced while everybody's little and no one has learned manners yet, so they don't "correct" each other.

    Oh, they've both been 'corrected' by the Adult B's. But they both have 'gotten it' and did not repeat the offense. But these two are 'buddies' and Brat can do anything to Johnny and Johnny (the dog) does nothing except give me the 'help me' look.

  • Lol, lovely pictures, hehe zombasenji's

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