• Well here is my baby.
    we picked him up last saturday at 8 weeks old and he has settled in well, we havent had any screaming at night the first night we was asleep by 830 on his bed in the kitchen we then put him into his crate without any issue and he slept there till 2am where he woke us with a loud yawn and was taken out to the toilet and then put back in and back to sleep…he has been an absolute gem in that aspect we put him in the crate straight to sleep, he has had a couple of accidents in there though but it was our fault by not getting to him in time or knowing he was awake. he didnt seem to pine at all for his mum or brothers and sisters i think maybe he enjoyed the peace and quiet and also being inside in a nice warm cosy bed. i had even brought a snuggle puppy just incase it turns out it wasnt needed.
    ive already taught him to sit, drop and "up" back into the sitting position from dropping. he is also house trained and will go to the door and whin when he needs to go.
    i had last week off work to settle him in and my boyfriend has this week off with him to get him use to being alone, doing the whole leave him for 10 minutes come back etc.... we have had some screaming i that aspect i came home from the shops the other day and he had been home alone for ten minutes and i could hear him screaming inside from the minute i got out of the car however it depends sometimes he doesnt cry when we are gone other times he does.
    he gets his last vacinations this weekend then off too puppy school on the 5th of september. i cant believe how good he is apart from the whole nipping out hands and clothing he knows he is not allowed to do it but he loves to push the limits.

    any who enjoy the pics i will have pleanty more up soon


  • What a cutie!

  • First Basenji's

    He's adorable!

  • So cute. I want another puppy.

  • @lvoss:

    So cute. I want another puppy.

    Ha, ha, ha…glutton for punishment. I want another one...EVENTUALLY...just not right now. I haven't recovered quite yet from the terror that is Aaliyah...ha, ha...and neither have Ruby and Brando!! :D:D

    To the OP...super cute and glad it is all going so well.

  • Adorable! Congrats on the new cutie…can't wait for more pictures!

  • What a cutie!

  • Congratulations on being owned by a new B puppy!! A great looking Basenji at that!

  • Congratulations on your cute new baby, he will have you trained in no time!

  • Beautiful baby and pictures are great.

    Rita Jean

  • Congrats! Such a cute baby! I'm jealous! 🙂

  • awwww. i love the name 🙂

  • Your new baby is gorgeous! the photos are lovely, keep them coming.

  • Gosh, definitely a BOY! Very cute! x

  • Houston

    Oden is absolutely adorable and such a picture ham..

  • look at that wrinkle,cutiepie he is!

  • Awww! So-o-o-o cute!! I want a puppy! Never had one, all the dogs I've ever had (including the Bs) have been over a year when I got them. O.K. that can be a good thing, too. Back too my senses now. I will just live vicariously through the fabulous pics and postings of my friends here on the forum.

  • Hi Katrina02,

    I love your widdle bubba, he is a real cutie too. Of course he would be though, cos he is a Wazazi boy !!! You sound like you have been putting lots of time into his training, and it sounds like he is grasping hold of it, very quickly. Well done ;).

    We decided to call our little minx, Vanda, and I am really happy with it. After her escapades last night and this am, (got another thread talking about that !!!), I think she should be called Trouble, but I just dont know how to get it to start with V :D.

    I havent got the pics up yet, but will early next week. She is coming to the show with me this weekend, and we have already been into the local shopping centre a few times and she has taken it all in her stride… Anyway I am high-jacking your thread, so I will stop, and say I hope you are enjoying the pitfalls of a new puppy in the house 😃

  • What a beautiful little boy! Congratulations!

  • thankyou everyone for your replies
    well im gorgeous little boy has turned into quite a handful he is definatly showing his true colours now but i still love him even though he pretends not to hear when i say no or come here lol

    Saba you need to put some pics up of Vanda….how is she going??

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