Podengo pups at 8 weeks
They are so adorable!
Glad I could help with their training! On another note - I just heard from the Portuguese Kennel Club and in addition to being in the registry maintained by the Medio/Grande Club and the AKC FSS - since both the parents are FCI and registered in Portugal - I can register the litter there too.
So that gives some options should I want to show in Mexico while waiting for AKC to put us in MISC.
Of course she is enjoying them - I'm doing all the work LOL
Matter of fact - I composed this little ditty one day - hope you know the tune to the Hokey Pokey
I have been very busy - so hum along because "what if the hokey pokey is what it's all about"!
You put the puppies in
you put the puppies out
you put the puppies in and you chase them all aboutYou get the pooper scooper and you turn yourself around
That's what it's all about…..You fill the food dish here
you fill the water there
you wash the bedding now
and they've eaten all their chowYou get the pooper scooper and you turn yourself around
That's how I spend my time.You buy more dog food here
you buy some pee pads there
You buy more dog food here
Oh my will it ever endYou get the pooper scooper and you turn yourself around
That's what I do all day!I'm sure if I had time I could write some more - but I think you get the idea what I've been doing.
Diane they are truly beautiful. Hanna did great. How many are you keeping? I wish I could fit one more dog in…but my hubby is already at his limit..whatever that means..and I real like to foster for Brat.
Please do - this references BTW a litter of 11 - Portuguese Podengo Grande Smooth puppies. The first in the United States. Can't imagine why I'm singing and making up songs - they are a lot of work!
If it would provide someone amusement - please reprint away just give me credit: Diana McCarty