• We picked up our 8 month old male Wednesday. He was one of the breeders keepers but she is placed him due to her health. We have been researching the breed for a year and decided the time was right after loosing our 10 year old doberman female to add a show pup.

    I am a little worried about him being so jumpy with him suppose to be a show dog. I know the breed is suppose to be aloof to strangers and he is settling in the family nicley. He stays right by our sides and loves the 2 legged kids and is doing well the the other dobes in the house. But if someone sneezes he runs from the room.

    Had him out today and he met my sister and BIL and he was just as stiff and I had to make him stand still in order for them to pet. I worry about this jumpy stuff with him supose to be going in the show ring Is this something we can work through with more outings around strange people?


  • Houston

    I don't really know, but if he was mine I would subject the pup to people, dogs, kids and noices. I would make sure I wasn't making a fuss about it, rather matter of fact. Make it seem as if this is how we do it and we enjoy doing it.

  • Could it be that since his breeder was ill that he was not socialized properly when younger? Have you asked the breeder about that? Was he that way at the breeders home? Did you meet any of his siblings or his Dam?

    And rather then "make" him submit to being petted, you really should let him come to that decision that if you are letting strangers into your home, it is OK for him to greet them also…. Sounds also like you need to get him out in public for walks to start....

  • I agree with Pat, making him submit to petting when he is uncomfortable with it isn't likely to make him happier about being touched. If he is rushing to the farthest corner of the room or out of the room when people come just start with having guests toss treats to him if he chooses to be in the room. Then if he chooses to approach have them give him a treat and slowly build to having him be touched while getting treats from the stranger.

    I keep treat canisters all over my house so I can reward behavior or have my guests reward the dogs. I look for sales and clearance at Petco and Petsmart an now have quite a collection of canisters that I place on the mantel, on the dresser, on the kitchen counter, etc.

  • I agree with Pat and Lisa that forcing could lead to problems. Try to give him some self determinism and work on these things on a slow gradient so as not to overwhelm him. And as Basenjimamma said "don't make a fuss about it" The dog feels what you feel, so try to relax.

  • he hadn't left the breeders property since March so the amount of socialization was not great. We'll start taking him out and about more just walking around town and such

  • @sbaker:

    he hadn't left the breeders property since March so the amount of socialization was not great. We'll start taking him out and about more just walking around town and such

    That would be most of the problem, as the early months are important to socialization…

  • @tanza:

    That would be most of the problem, as the early months are important to socialization…

    Is this something we have a chance of him over coming so he we be able to show in the breed ring

  • You can try a puppy socialization class. Usually they are pretty laid back and that would give him an opportunity to get used to groups of people and dogs without too much pressure, and would help with the showing in the future if you decide to do it. My puppy got pretty stressed in large groups, but she made a lot of progress after a few months, now she is considerably better in class and a show environment.

  • @sbaker:

    Is this something we have a chance of him over coming so he we be able to show in the breed ring

    Exactly like Nemo says.. you need to take your time and get him used to strangers without forcing him…. But it will take time .... and you can not force the situation

    Who is his breeder if you don't mind sharing?

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