A question about socializing a pup

  • Now that is too funny!
    Sounds like a true Basenji. I have read many articles about their temperment and that seems to be the general conclusion. Basenji's think that they are superior to other breeds. HA! Im going to love this. :p
    I do hope that I can train my dog. I know it will be a little harder to do. :rolleyes: I am up for the challenge though!

  • Karen Overall is a Veterinarian Animal Behaviorist - DVM, PHD, yadda yadda - here are her thoughts:

    Chapter 14 - Prevention of Behavior Problems
    Early Intervention: The Role of Training
    …........"If a dog is participating in a current
    vaccination program, if it is well nourished and cared
    for, if no other animals present are overtly sick, and
    if good hygiene at the site is practiced, puppies can
    start in a kindergarten style class as early as 8
    weeks of age. Early exposure and enrichment should be
    encouraged. There is no reason to isolate or restrict
    them until they complete all vaccinations; in fact,
    there are data to indicate that pups that are exposed
    with the above restrictions have better immune
    responses when challenged.
    The earlier exposure to
    social and training situations occurs, the lower the
    probability of problems developing. At VHUP we start
    puppies as young as 8 weeks in a companion dog class
    designed for pups from 8 weeks…......"


  • @lvoss:

    As for the dogs responding to the commands, it depends. Training a basenji requires a sense of humor.

    That is SO true. I enrolled my dog in puppy playschool around 12wks, which helped lay the foundation for socializing. It was a bit rough to start, my guy needed to be pack leader of puppy playschool, but with continued exposure he simmered down. I then continued through OB 1, 2, 3, and he recently achieved his CGC. Tucker will respond to voice commands and hand signals, but it took ALOT of hard work and ALOT of humor to get to this point.

    some nights I could of held an entire ham in front of Tucker and he'd STILL ignore me. other nights I barely had to ask, and he did everything perfectly. I found my guy learned quickly, but got bored even more quickly. I always had to "step it up" to keep Tucker challenged. all in all though, I really enjoyed training my dog, and still continue to practice daily.

  • jessi76~
    Your basenji completed all the classes?!?! Thats great!! I have been wondering how my puppy will do. (I dont have a basenji yet but will be getting one this year as soon as the litters born)
    You said as long as you keep them interested…what do you mean by that? I understand that they sometimes become less interested in doing what you want them to do. What tips could you give me so I can be prepared.

  • yes, my dog has completed all the classes offered at the training school I use (OB 1, 2, 3 and took-and passed-the Canine Good Citizen test).

    The best advice I can give is find the right trainer, who ONLY uses positive reinforcement. Small classes worked well for me. To keep my dog "interested" I had to almost make the commands seem like "his idea". As long as you have fun training, always end on a good note, never force anything, and have high value treats to use in conjunction w/ training, you should be just fine.

  • @jessi76:

    yes, my dog has completed all the classes offered at the training school I use (OB 1, 2, 3 and took-and passed-the Canine Good Citizen test).

    The best advice I can give is find the right trainer, who ONLY uses positive reinforcement. Small classes worked well for me. To keep my dog "interested" I had to almost make the commands seem like "his idea". As long as you have fun training, always end on a good note, never force anything, and have high value treats to use in conjunction w/ training, you should be just fine.

    Thank you for the tips!

  • I agree about using positive reinforcement training with a basenji. Also, while you are waiting for your puppy to come home, you can start doing research on trainers in your area. Ask if you can observe some of their classes, both at the puppy kindergarten level and the later levels.

    Different trainers and schools offer a different range of classes. I currently take mine to what I guess could be called "continuing education". We took all of the classes offered, some of them twice, and now are in the extended class that changes locations every week to help the dogs learn to work in different environments. My husband thinks I am a bit crazy though since we are currently both doing one night of obedience and one night of agility and in September I am adding one night of Rally, he is going to take ceramics.


  • Vaccinations should be no more than 2 1/2 to 3 wks apart ever. So if your breeder gives shots at 6 to 7 wks, by 10 wks they can have 2nd set. Frankly, if you use a GOOD vaccine like progard that should give as close to full immunity as it gets. Sadly, lots of vets use cheap vaccines that give little to no immunity and have pups at risk.

    But yes, the earlier you socialize the better. We didn't get Sayblee til she was almost 15 wks and while I don't blame ALL her dog aggression on it, her lack of socialization was obvious.

  • :)For our basenji, we are enrolled in Kindergarden and I now refer to my treats as the "Bag of Persuasion"! The clicker has become our friend and what fun we are having! The cat is now the problem! She likes to be chased and little Kismet likes to catch and take down the cat! Not sure how we will train to not take down the cat without the cat helping! She is just too sweet and refuses to use claws or teeth on the puppy! Going to ask the trainers for help if there is any! Kindergarden for puppies is awesome and we highly reccommend it! Be prepared to be embarassed by your basenji! It makes it more fun since you never know what they will do next! Kismet is the class clown! She thinks she teaches the class! Happy adventures!

  • Socialization and puppy training are of utmost importance as puppyhood is the most important and critical time in your dog's development. What you do and do not do right now will affect your dog's behavior forever.

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