• Here are some pics of my husband Douglas exercising 2 of our Bs. They usually go on a circular trip from our house which is about 4 miles long.

  • Great pics!

    They seem to like it to run together!

  • Great idea! Looks like fun 😃

  • Douglas looks like he's having to concentrate hard to stay on lol!

    Unfortunately i have no balance at all, so cant ride a bike, and im a bit old to have a 3 wheeler….

  • Chance & Trouper were pulling to the side a bit more than usual to get the the cameraman. They're not usually so distracted. I don't think Douglas has fallen off yet. 🙂

  • How did you get the dogs to follow along? I would like to do that with my pup but am worried she'd pull me off if she sees a squirrel or something.

  • @wizard:

    How did you get the dogs to follow along? I would like to do that with my pup but am worried she'd pull me off if she sees a squirrel or something.


    Knowing my B, I would be in the ER after 5-10 minutes of trying that.

  • Not sure what the trick is, I'll ask my hubbie. The boys have been doing it from a young age.

  • @Benkura:

    Not sure what the trick is, I'll ask my hubbie. The boys have been doing it from a young age.

    I think it helps that there are two of them running. My B has always done very well on walks when he's with another dog. By himself he gets distracted easily.

  • Great shots! It's definitely a great way to get them tired 😃

    About the pulling.. Tillo has to trot as fast as he can to keep me up and I don't want him to gallop.. He has to stay focused because of that. I have his leash in my hand and use the same leash as with training, so he knows: no pulling. When he does spot another dog/cat/rabbit/etc. I shorten the leash (if I'm fast enough). If I'm not fast enough I give a big angry yell (:eek:) and he immediatly remembers he's not allowed to do that and continues his trot.. most of the time with his head turned backwards 😃 I probably need two of those yells and he's good for an hour 😉

  • @Elscodobermann:

    Unfortunately i have no balance at all, so cant ride a bike, and im a bit old to have a 3 wheeler….

    Oh that isn't true! I have seen lots of people riding those 3-wheelers that are specifically made for adults! Perfect way to exercise if you can't walk them a lot -

  • @Shaye's:

    Oh that isn't true! I have seen lots of people riding those 3-wheelers that are specifically made for adults! Perfect way to exercise if you can't walk them a lot -

    Maybe in America Shayes Mom, but certainly not in Scotland! Cant imagine what the folk in the village would think if i roared down the high street being dragged by 3 dobermanns with a Basenji ringleader! I prefer to keep my feet firmly on the ground - the dogs get about 4 miles roadwork each night, and as much free running in our 1 acre garden as they can take (and at the weekends some free running in the 15 acre field behind the house). That seems to keep them in top shape.

  • First Basenji's

    That is so wonderful to see the two of them safely being exercised, and hubby too! Good to see that you as an owner takes the necessity for physical and mental stimulation, esp for B's! Well Done!!!!!!

  • As a kid I walked my Bs on a skateboard that way I could jump off if they took off after something. I would try that again but the sidewalks here in my town are horrible. The bike looks like fun do they ever cross in front of him?

  • Houston

    wow, that looks like a lot of fun. I just don't know if I would trust my B to not run into the wheel. Maybe if I practise a lot.


  • The dogs don't pull in front as they are attached to the bike by a thing called a Springer. It's a special metal attachment for bikes and dogs. We found the Springer at Crufts a few years ago and the dogs just love it. When Benji sees his harness he goes nuts coz he knows he's going out on the bike. 🙂

    So I suppose this answers everyones questions. Douglas doesn't fall off as he's not holding on to the dogs. They don't pull in front of the bike or go under or into the wheels. Douglas also said that he starts the dogs off very gently at a walking pace with the bike and then gradually builds up speed. The dogs take to it extremely quickly.

    Sorry, I prob should have explained about the Springer beforehand. :o

  • http://www.springerusa.com/

    I've found this site for the Springers. Everyone should have one for their Bs. Although really I can't talk. I own a bike - a really good full-suspension mountain bike with 20 odd gears etc. I've had it for 5 years and used it twice!!!⭕o I really can't get used to not riding a racer bike from when I was a teenager. LOL 😃

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