• Both of mine bathe very easily, a gift for which I am very grateful.

  • One of my previous dogs absolutely hated getting a bath. When I picked him up to get him in the tub he would stick his legs out in all directions and make them really stiff. Getting through the doorway was a real trick.

  • OMG, my first basenji, Pete, did that! It was almost impossible to get through the bathroom door with him. Once in the tub he wasn't too bad, but getting there was a real challenge.

  • Uuuughh… hate the bath as much as Bella does. I end up just as soaking wet as her! She tries to climb out of the tub the whole time!!! And of course there is the B-500 afterward. I am not sure if she is running because she is mad or if she is on "spin dry cycle" LOL :eek: ?

  • Mine are great. I call them into the bathroom and ask them to get into the tub and they climb right in! lol Now they are not afraid to give me "that look" and can be reluctant sometimes, but they do oblidge for me. It usually goes much smoother if I don't already have the water running! 🙂

    They do the B500 afterwards flailing themselves all over the couch trying to get the water off.

    You'll love this though. My youngster is one of those "lickers". Yes…ears, face, everything. lol Where I used to live she had this habbit of following me into the bathroom throughout the day and actually jumped into the tub on her own accord all the time and went licking around in the tub for a few minutes before appearing through the curtains and jumping back out! lol Sometimes it was recently after a shower with the tub still wet but even later in the day she'd still jump in for the heck of it to check things out. 🙂

  • @kiroja:

    Mine are great. I call them into the bathroom and ask them to get into the tub and they climb right in! lol Now they are not afraid to give me "that look" and can be reluctant sometimes, but they do oblidge for me. It usually goes much smoother if I don't already have the water running! 🙂

    They do the B500 afterwards flailing themselves all over the couch trying to get the water off.

    You'll love this though. My youngster is one of those "lickers". Yes…ears, face, everything. lol Where I used to live she had this habbit of following me into the bathroom throughout the day and actually jumped into the tub on her own accord all the time and went licking around in the tub for a few minutes before appearing through the curtains and jumping back out! lol Sometimes it was recently after a shower with the tub still wet but even later in the day she'd still jump in for the heck of it to check things out. 🙂

    That is adorable!

  • Wow, you are lucky!

    Tillo hates bath time.. Good for him he keeps himself clean, so he never has to..
    Last week, before the show, we gave it a new try.. He was screaming so loud, we were worried the neighbours might have called the police…....:rolleyes:

  • Not only do mine hate to get wet (bath or rain) but Tyler hates it if anyone in the house is wet. If the bathroom door isn't shut he's standing at the ready next to the sink to tongue dry the nearest damp leg. Come in from the rain, Tyler tries to lick you dry as well.

    Bath time….big sigh and humming the "Mission Impossible" (TV) theme song....first, the covert operation to prep the bathroom. Shut the door, get the doggie day spa items ready, pull out the special towels, wrap the curtains out of the way, set the water temp, then casually stroll out to kidnap the first victim. Once in the tub and dampened, our first victim gives in and is quiet and cooperative. Meanwhile, the 2nd in line sits either outside the door or inside the bathroom (tried both, doesn't make a difference) and whines, moans, screams, whatever they deem necessary to stop the perceived torture.

    Bath #1 done, then the B500 starts, either alone or with the recently escaped companion. IF (and it's a big if) victim #2 doesn't escape through typical B. cooperation and practiced evasive tactics, the whole ordeal is done again, same op, just a role reversal. Capture, relent, whine, moan, release, B500 madness, then tongue dry each other so they both smell like Basenji spit.

    After all that (especially the mutual tongue drying) they then smell again as if they need a bath:D

    I guess I was saying, in my long winded answer, that the bath time here is easy, it's all the other crap that goes into it/goes after it, that makes it seem like an ordeal. Needless to say, we love it!!

  • Aww, Awesome! Jack used to hate the bath (well the thought of it) We'd say "Jack wanna Bath?" and he'd BOLT, but once we got him into the tub he didn't move! I think maybe he thought, If I move Ill drown…Donno, but it was easy once we got him IN the tub!! hehee...Hope the new Puppy is going to be easy to bathe!

  • Call me lazy 'cause I've never bathed Duke or Daisy at home. They go to Furs-A-Flyin Pet Salon for the works 2 or 3 times a year. For me - it's just easier and they get some extra doggy social time with other pets.

    I have an embarrasing story here though. They have always had separate appointments, until last June to save time, they went together. They were there just an hour and a half when I got a call to pick them up - they were done! I was surprised since they usually spend almost 3 hours when they go separately. OK - I picked them up and they were sharing a crate. Normally, Beth lets the dogs run and play together until we pick up. Beth ever so nicely said my two decided to hunt down the smaller dogs together. :o (Not nice guests, were they?) Oh boy - I didn't see that coming at the groomers, then thought it's what they do together when out in the back yard … rabbits, squirrels, birds.

    Last week, they were groomed separately on different days. They redeemed themselves, my little babies - behaved perfectly and got to stay and play for awhile after the grooming. Lesson learned - my furkids are very competitive and hunt together - not separately.

  • I am not allowed to say the bath word before or Congo is off hiding. I have to put a bathing suit on and then get in the shower with him.

  • The only way to bath my two, is to take them into the shower. I use the sprayer with hose. My husband get in the shower and bathes them and I hold the other so he does not escape the bathroo. Then its his turn. While he getting his shower, i'm drying his sister, (with lots of help). It ends up with everyone soaked. lol…

  • My dog loves her baths as well. She will even stand underneath the tap and let me wash her with the water straight from the tap. When we are done drying her off she goes crazy running around the house with a spurt of built up energy and sliding on the carpet on her side and using her front paws on her face. It is so cute to watch.

  • Both my Bs have no problem with a bath, but I use a sponge/terrycloth on them with the shampoo, then dump a bucket of water on them a couple of times to rinse. A quick towel dry & they are as good as gold


  • @rammaam:

    The only way to bath my two, is to take them into the shower. I use the sprayer with hose. My husband get in the shower and bathes them and I hold the other so he does not escape the bathroo. Then its his turn. While he getting his shower, i'm drying his sister, (with lots of help). It ends up with everyone soaked. lol…

    Mya showers as well. She just can't stand the bath. But she'll tolerate the shower. :p

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