Gift Exchange: Basenji Buddies Summer 2008
Beegin and Brady got our basenji buddy gift recently. Very sweet to send stick notes - I was running low.
The stuff bear is a big hit as you can see below!
Sorry I guess I still can't figure out how to put pictures in here so they are in the attachments.
I'm glad they like the "baby". And I thought it would be a nice idea to send a few sticky notes for Beegin ;-)
To be honest, I did not dare to send any treats, as I am not sure, if the customs will allow that or if they would hold back the whole shipment.I try to upload our pictures within the next days. My camera is on strike now. But the dogs loved the toys and treats, specially the peanut-butter cookies and of course the sock-snake, which is no longer alive due to massive wounds and losses of important parts ;-)
Esther -
Finally, I managed to download the pictures from my camera.
Banshee was my helper unpacking the package. She really enjoyed it. And the others love to play with the orca toy (which already has lost its "fringes"), the ball is under the cupboard and the chewies have been chewed well. They really loved the peanutbutter-cookies and the snake of socks is torn to pieces.
They really had a lot of fun with all the things in the package. Thank you very much, Shannon!
I so glad everything got there okay and that your pack enjoyed everything. The orca toy insides don't last long at my house either:)
PS Your black and white b is beautiful! I'm in love with the reds but the other colors are growing on my too!
pst, Shannon, all my b's are black and white ;)
Gromit the half-breed Basenji is fula black and Vega the galgo has kind of a cinnamon colour.Yes, they really love to throw the snake of socks around and the orca toy even managed to be thrown out of the window already…. they have fun.
Esther -
I am curious what are the snake socks?
Do you make it or is it a store bought toy?
Do you make it or is it a store bought toy?
:D :) I think Shannon made the snake herself. I cannot imangine, that she has a shop somewhere, where to buy old socks and knot them into eachother. But I think on the picture, you cannot see, that the socks are old. :cool:
Sorry, for that. No, I think it is a good way to give your "golf" socks (the ones with up to 18 holes) a last job. We use them as a tug of war toy for the b's because they can pull them, throw them and sometimes I do even operative surgery on a dead furry toy to get the squeeker out and put it into a sock of war. ;)
Esther -
was it Lausanne or Luzern/Lucerne?
I actually know both of them quite welll.. but Lucerne (swiss-german speaking city) has that lovely long wooden bridge with all the flowers. It's right in the middle of the city. Good memories of that bridge - had my first Swiss kiss there. :P
Does your grandmum speak Swiss German? it's a super awesome language
sorry, Luzern, was the City. I always mix them up.
My Granny did speak a little Schwizerdütsch but she was originally from Vienna and has learned it through the Years. She passed away more then 20 Years ago, but I still can remember the smell of Luzern and of special things around her.