• Max was like that. Even if I was with him at a friend's house–if I went outside, or if we were in the backyard and I went inside without him--he would frantically try to find me and would not settle down until I came back. But if I had a friend whom he knew babysit him at my house--he was always just fine--even if I was gone all day or all evening. If I was out with a friend and left Max with my friend and walked away--he was frantic. But what I discovered was that if I stayed put, and my friend led him away--he was ok.

  • I tried that the first time. I met her outside of her house and handed the leash to her and she walked him away from me. He was still the same way, but I found out later than she got inside her place before I drove away and apparently, he watched me get into my car and leave from her window. (The parking is right outside of her condo) Maybe next time I'll park around the corner and see if that helps…if she'll even volunteer to suffer through that again. 🙂

  • When I've taken EL D to my brothers for a visit, he goes nuts if he can't keep me in sight. Doesn't matter if I go outside or just in another room. If he can't see me he's nuts. So maybe Tucker justs needs to think you are still around. If you can try again, have your friend take Tucker into a room until you've really gone.

  • I think I'll get one of those life sized cardboard cutouts of myself to stand up just outside her window. 😉

  • I would bet having a doggie companion would help him settle down.
    He would have someone to bug him and play with.

  • Have you tried leaving a well worn sweatshirt with your scent all over it for Tucker? He might enjoy curling up on it to help him relax. Of course you wouldn't want to leave one of your newer shirts - in case Tucker eats it. 😃

  • Have you tried leaving a well worn sweatshirt with your scent all over it for Tucker? He might enjoy curling up on it to help him relax. Of course you wouldn't want to leave one of your newer shirts - in case Tucker eats it.

    That's a great idea! We did that when we had to leave our dogs at the kennel when we went away for a few days.

    Does Tucker like bully sticks or compressed raw hide or cow hoof?? This might keep him busy while you're gone. And he'll associate with your leaving with a YUMMY special treat. 🙂

  • I've thought about the clothing thing. Maybe just bringing his favorite blankets along so he's got a little piece of home to lie on…

    I gave her my entire 'bag of tricks' to keep him occupied... Kong and stuff'n, Merricks beef filets, three different toys and a hung of rawhide he'd been working on... Apparently the Merrick Beef filets don't last more than a minute or two. They are like air entrianed beef jerky. Much like fat-back or pork rinds, but made of beef. Very easy to chow through.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    I would bet having a doggie companion would help him settle down.
    He would have someone to bug him and play with.

    I totally agree with this. Our boys get a little upset if one of us (my husband or I) leaves, but if it's the boys who are separated from each other it's the whining and crying non-stop. They are inseparable.

    I know you said Tucker is agressive towards other dogs, but do you think he could benefit from a companion?

  • My friend HAS a dog. But it's an older Westie (12 years old), so it's not really a good basenji companion since it's gotten rather lethargic.

    I've thought about adopting another, but I haven't a clue how Tucker would take it. I have a pretty small condo (900sf) and leaving two of them at home would stress me out beyond belief! Expecially getting a new one to bond and accept his surroundings (finding another 'perfect for my situation' dog). When I have a bigger place and a yard, I'll have a yardfull of them. 🙂

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