Bath Time Pictures
I have to laugh that you did all that work yourself and it looks like DH sat back and photographed the whole experience! LOL!
I love the one of Tiggy getting scrubbed on the head with the mitt, his face is priceless!
Lol, Jack hates bath time, We say "Jack wanna Bath??" and he TEARS down the steps trying to get away!! Its sooo funny!
Aw so cute!
The only bath time pic I have is from about 6 or 7 years ago– Lexi's very 1st bath!
She was so itty then!
Don't forget Miles….AKA Ben's first Basenji Park bath.:)
Love the cat getting a bath.:D Very cute Maya, boy you do have your hands full.;)
LOL she is actually easier to bath than the dogs, she doesn't fight as much but she does talk more
I'd post photos of Cooper getting a bath (he's very good, but gets that sad look on his face!), but they baths at our house generally involve the bather in his/her underwear. Water always goes flying once it's time to wash the face.