They are definitely handsome couple :).
I understant definitely that Kas was nervous. My father is still nervous on shows although he started with showing 8 yrs ago :eek::D.
They are definitely handsome couple :).
I understant definitely that Kas was nervous. My father is still nervous on shows although he started with showing 8 yrs ago :eek::D.
Thank you, all, for the compliments!
Ty's registered name is Apex Tyvola. He just turned 3 and is recently retired from the show ring. Zeenie is between 11 & 13 and is a BRAT dog originally found in Illinois: I've had her 9 years now and she is an angel (w/ horns, occasionally:rolleyes:)
Great pics Janneke!!!
He has such a naughty face!! :D
I agree Kim !
As always, the pics of Tillo are great (with the new Canon)!
And yes, they're all devils in disguise :D
I have the small version here at home since yesterday!!
Fun guaranteed I assure you ! :D
Lexi's goes down for a number of reasons- she's scared, SUPER relaxed, or not feeling well. It's not always a bad thing though. And theirs always flattens out when they run! So funny! Miles's tail has a kink in it; I'll have to hold him down and take a pic of it… maybe tonight.