Leaving the coat on all day while outside?

  • Rather than keeping Chaos in his crate all day during cold weather, I've thought about getting him a "winter coat" so he could be left outside while I'm at work. Cold weather is defined as 30 - 40 degress F for the day's high temperature. Anything colder, he'd stay indoors in the crate…brrrrrrr!

    My first thought was - not a good idea...he'll manage to choke himself on it, rip it off, shread it, eat it, etc. Chaos will be four years old this week and is rather laid back for a basenji, so perhaps he's past all the crazy stuff.

    My question is - are any of your basenjis outside all day during the winter, unsupervised, wearing a coat?

    Thanks in advance for any comments and advice!

  • @alice_chaos:

    Rather than keeping Chaos in his crate all day during cold weather, I've thought about getting him a "winter coat" so he could be left outside while I'm at work. Cold weather is defined as 30 - 40 degress F for the day's high temperature. Anything colder, he'd stay indoors in the crate…brrrrrrr!

    My first thought was - not a good idea...he'll manage to choke himself on it, rip it off, shread it, eat it, etc. Chaos will be four years old this week and is rather laid back for a basenji, so perhaps he's past all the crazy stuff.

    My question is - are any of your basenjis outside all day during the winter, unsupervised, wearing a coat?

    Thanks in advance for any comments and advice!

    IMO that is way to cold for a Basenjis even with a coat… period....

  • I'm almost positive he'd prefer his cozy, warm crate.

  • My B fights to be outside when it's about that cold. He has too much fun looking around outside. He even leaves my parent's dog alone and lies in the snow sometimes.

  • @etzbseder:

    My B fights to be outside when it's about that cold. He has too much fun looking around outside. He even leaves my parent's dog alone and lies in the snow sometimes.

    Mine do love to play in the snow for far longer than if it's just wet out. If it's just plain cold, but no snow they want IN {unless we're on a long walk in Grandma's hills; then they'll walk forever but whine the whole time. :rolleyes: }

  • Mine get too cold… They prefer the heated tempurpedic bed! 😉

  • I would use the crate, I think your dog will be much happier. I live in Wisconsin, and I walk Tosca with a jacket on at that temperature, and she is ok, but still shivering a bit when we get home, even with walking. I would think she would be miserable being in that temperature for more than an hour.

  • I think a basenji would not be happy outdoors in that weather, unless you have a heated doghouse he can get in. My dogs have a dog door and free access 24/7, and they spend 98% of their time inside, and we are in Florida. I would vote for the crate, or can he be loose in the house, or in one room?

    Anne in Tampa

  • Thanks everyone - guess the verdict is in - stay inside. I was mainly concerned about how uncomfortable it is having to "hold it" for almost eight hours.

  • My dogs are often in their crates for almost 8 hours. I'm sure some would be surprised to find me say that. I feel like my dogs still have a great life despite their confinement for those times. They sleep most of the day anyways- so it's not so different to be in a crate instead of on the couch. But mine have no problems at all holding it. I can't remember the last time either of them had an accident.

  • As for holding it…most basenjis with normal bladder function can hold it for 8 or more. Mine can go out when they need to, and often don't go outside till after 10 am (if then) and last were out well before 10 pm, so that's 12 hours routinely, every night. Mine also sleep almost the whole time I am gone, and they are in my bed. If they were crated, I'm sure they would be sleeping there as well. As long as you have a routine, it will be fine.

    Anne in Tampa

  • @alice_chaos:

    Thanks everyone - guess the verdict is in - stay inside. I was mainly concerned about how uncomfortable it is having to "hold it" for almost eight hours.

    Is there any possibility of installing a dog door or setting up something inside (like puppy pads) where he can pee if need be? I agree with you–I've always been concerned about forcing dogs to "hold it." And when they are seniors that have started having kidney decline like my last two both did--it's impossible for them to "hold it." I have suffered from bladder infections over the years, and all the literature I was given tells you not to "hold it." It's much better for the health of you kidneys to drinks lots of fluids and go when you need to go. So even when dogs can hold it for many hours, I worry about their health and comfort.

  • @MaxBooBooBear:

    Is there any possibility of installing a dog door or setting up something inside (like puppy pads) where he can pee if need be? I agree with you–I've always been concerned about forcing dogs to "hold it." And when they are seniors that have started having kidney decline like my last two both did--it's impossible for them to "hold it." I have suffered from bladder infections over the years, and all the literature I was given tells you not to "hold it." It's much better for the health of you kidneys to drinks lots of fluids and go when you need to go. So even when dogs can hold it for many hours, I worry about their health and comfort.

    Very true about elders… While Mickii and Kristii (15 and 13) can still hold it for over an 8 hour period, OJ and Maggii (both 16+) can't.... I am lucky however that we have a doggy door so I don't have to worry too much... of course with old age comes "I forgot and I have to pee now"..... much like a puppy... just a bigger puddle...

  • EL D stays inside (here in Minnesota 30-40 is a heat wave in the winter :)) all year. I wouldn't leave him unsupervised while I go to work outside - too many things can happen. He has nearly full run of the house but pretty much sleeps in the bed or on the couch all day (I know because I came home unexpectedly a few times and manged to get in before he heard me - talk about sound asleep!). I guess because he's basically inactive, he has no problem holding - its generally 9 hours while I'm gone. But I make sure he pees just before I leave and immediately when I return.

  • My boy seems to be able to hold it forever !!!!!! I am home most of the time but on the rare times I 'm out for a long period of time he has never had an accident. Even on Holidays when I have been gone for upto 12 hours. That is rare !!!!!

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