We bought a dremel to do his nails and he absoutely hates it. I let him look, snif and move it while it was not off and he just backs up. I turned it on and he ran away. So we will us the dog clippers for his nails, those seem to be working.
Happy Birthday Kwame - love the picture on Chris's shirt! How did you do that?
The photo is one we took, we then put it on a disc and took it to a tee shirt printer. My only problem is getting it off chris to wash ;)
No, I have not seen the leash. My money are already gone… ;)
I have the same problem :D :D
I got an email from DG this morning that the collar is on its way.. can't wait!
Love the collars Irena!
Awe those are all just wonderful pics, you always have great pics. I love it when he has the lure and he has his feet in the air giggle "it's mine it's mine" LOL