Experiencing Anxiety Separation from my Basenji girl
“......... I wouldn't let you have another dog - just to dump it when it became inconvenient ?”OMG!! I completely agree - I wouldn’t allow her to have ANY ANIMAL for that matter! An elderly dog especially needs your love and care at this stage in their lives!!! Some people cease to amaze me - how CRUEL!
@kembe said in Experiencing Anxiety Separation from my Basenji girl:
Some people cease to amaze me - how CRUEL!
Kembe - I am finding it hard to get my head around how anyone could have a Basenji for 6 years (4 until 10, as I recall) and then bin it ! It won't get much love or understanding in a rescue home. But maybe it wasn't loved as it deserved anyway. Poor little mite.
It still seems very strange for you to send your dog to a rescue centre. Did you not consider that that your dog will miss you even more than you miss her. If she was very I'll it may have been best for all to consider euthanasia ! I appreciate that you miss your dog but my original comment still stands - when you let a dog into your life you take on the commitment to look after it for ever. Please don't get another pet unless you can make that commitment.
@fernrn1 said in Experiencing Anxiety Separation from my Basenji girl:
@allanc Yes I read the post twice, I just wasnt sure I was reading it correctly. Confused myself on why a dog would go back because it is having health problems.
On a forum such as this, one only ever knows what one is told. I, too, read the post twice.
What we were told was that an elderly, sick Basenji had been sent back to a rescue home. That fact, as it stands with or without any unknown background, cries to Heaven for vengeance.
Let's not be too hasty, I said I was confused as to why such a thing would happen. She said the dog was ill, it had behavior changes. It could be the dog was aggressive. I know when my dog gets her heart worm medication she doesnt want to be bothered at all for the day after, and will give a soft growl if you get too close. Maybe this dog was becoming a little aggressive and snapping because it wasnt feeling well. Maybe the treatment is very time consuming and best for the dog to be in a place where there are people who can provide that kind of time, and care. This I would understand, Havent we all had to leave an animal at the vet for the day so they can run test/provide treatment???
The confusing part to me is that she sounds like she will not get this dog back.......maybe the illness is terminal and they are making the dog as comfortable as they can until the dog passes? Some would say it would be more humane to put the dog down if this were the case, but I know some people just cannot do that. So let's not be too hasty. I am not judging, or at least trying very hard not to.