@basenjimom2 said in Lymphoma.:
Stay away from carbs (sugars) as they love cancer and will speed up the disease.
ok... can you explain this?
Where did you get the idea that the sugars, produced naturally through the digestion of Carbs, facilitate the progression of (canine) Cancer cells?
I think we can agree that a canine diet shouldn't typically include bread(s), cake, anything we could consider a candy, or dessert. That part seems "natural". Doggie French Toast is a bad idea. Got it. Carbs, though, are not just in breads and cakes (flour based products). They occur naturally in many vegetables, including broccoli. Aren't vegetables good (for both, humans and canines)? Essentially, we want our canine companions to get the best nutrition for the fewest calories, right?
So, where (or when) did you get the idea that Carbs=Cancer?
p.s. very sorry to hear that you have also experienced this kind of heartbreak. :`-(