Introducing myself and asking a question

  • Introducing myself to the group. We get our basenji puppy March 10th so I am on this forum gathering wisdom. I enjoy reading about the antics of these dogs. Many of you have very funny stories. I live in the east valley region of Phoenix. Gilbert/Queen Creek to be specific. I am trying to find a veterinarian in my area who is familiar with the basenji breed. Recommendations appreciated.


  • Just ask around for the best vet in your area,

    Stafford-ames Morse
    [removed email address]

  • A Basenji puppy? You might need drugs before you need a vet! LOL

    Sorry I can't help you. I know a few Basenji owners near Phoenix but they're more in the Glendale and Sedona areas, which is a long way from where you are.

    My own view is that a Basenji is a dog before they're a Basenji, so a good vet is better than a vet who has seen more Basenjis. Plus most vets likely don't see that many Basenjis because they're not that many around.

    For the routine issues -- eating rugs and having diarrhea -- this board is likely a good resource. Some posters here have a ton of experience with Basenjis and know what they're talking about.

    Good luck with your new bundle!

  • I will mention the Phoenix area basenji club. Check their website for contact info. They may suggest a vet that knows basenjis there.

    To learn more abour Basenjis try and check out info on the November 2019 basenji week long National Specialty show in Tucson.

  • You are right to find a vet that is familiar with the breed, I had a very bad experience with one that didn't understand them at all, every since I left him there to be neutered, he has had terrible trust issues. Then I also found that her vet tech hated basenjis, So don't be afraid to question them on how much they know. I was a new basenji owner at the time, my guy is 6yrs old now.

  • Where is your basenji puppy coming from? A breeder in Arizona or somewhere else? Please be aware of Valley Fever in Arizona. You may or may not have heard of it, but can be devastating to dog's! My Mr.T's breeder is in Tuscon, Az. She sold a pup to some people and they eventually moved here to Ca; not knowing that the basenji had come down with valley fever. Their job transferred them to Brazil, and they were planning on taking the pup with them since they would be working out of doors, but found out........NO dogs! So, they rehomed him to me. My vet here in northern Ca found the valley fever from a blood test. He is on medication for the rest of his life (he's 8 now, was 1.5 when I got him) and he's doing good. Digging in the dirt, and those wind storms that you guys get down there, will carry the fungus. No vaccine again valley fever as of yet. Be diligent in not letting him or her dig in the dirt, and keep them out of the wind storms! I hope you are up for a whole lot of fun and adventure with your new pup! She/he will almost drive you insane at times, but so worth it in the end........if you don't kill him/her first! jk. When you get him or her, you got to post photos so we can all see him or her. Good luck.

  • If you got the dog from a breeder, then ask them which vet they use. Also, check out the Basenji club in that area as you may find some further information from there as well. There are a few people in that area, so ask and you will find! Good luck.

  • @donc
    Totally agree w/ you - basenji is a dog first before it's a basenji. You just need to find a vet that you completely trust. My Vet also practices holistic medicine and acupuncture. He not only treats dogs and cats but also horses and farm animals in the area. He was not my 1st vet - I had a bad experience w/ the first Vet. My basenji had a pea-size growth on her leg - the 1st vet gave me a 3 page computer print-out of an estimate close to $3000. My friend suggested I see her vet for a second opinion - he scribbled a quote on a scrap of paper for $300. Needless to say - he has been my vet for the last 10 years and I love him. He's a vet that not in it for the money but for the actual care and well-being of all animals.

  • @kimber7 - Welcome, sorry that I can't help with a Vet recommendation. However if you are on Facebook there are a number of Basenji people on there that most likely could help

  • @jlketz I will check out the website. Thank you.

  • @basenjimom2 Thank you. Our puppy is coming from California. I contacted 36 reputable basenji breeders before I nailed down this pup. It was not easy but I am so excited. My breeder did tell me to research valley fever. My friend's dog got it and he too is on medicine for the rest of his life.

  • @kimber7
    Welcome to the forum and congratulations on becoming a new basenji parent! Please post a photo of your baby when he arrives!

  • @kimber7 - Yes, Valley Fever is a problem... My nephew's golden got it. As far as a Vet, visit the practice, see if you can meet and talk to the Vet. What is the office staff like? Do they (staff/Vet) listen to what you are saying????? Just some tips for you to use in looking for a Vet

  • @kimber7
    Congrats on your new puppy. Boy or girl? What are you going to name him/her? What flavor?
    As for a vet: find one that YOU communicate well with, hold the same philosopy and who treats your basenji with loving respect. I never let the staff take my dog out of my sight if I can help it. My vet endeared himself to me when he got on the floor and gave my b the time to come to him. He also spent 1.5 hours with me going over all aspects of allergies and provided a 5 page summary of the entire discussion.

  • @pawla we hope to get a boy. I like brindle, my husband likes red. We will be driving to California this weekend to pick our pup up. So excited!

  • @kimber7 - What fun.... care to share your pup's breeder? Many of us are related by our Basenjis.

  • A good vet is a good vet even if they aren't "basenji experts"! The good ones will be willing to learn about the breed but at the end of the day, a basenji is still a dog. ANY dog can be quirky!! My vets never saw basenjis before mine and I've had zero issues. They are patient, kind people who care about their patients. (My dogs are show dogs and very easy patients though! used to standing still while someone examines them). A good vet will be willing to listen to you!

    Ask local friends where they go and get a few recommendations. REMEMBER!!!!!!! It's 100% OK to decide a vet isn't the right fit. There is no shame in shopping around! Don't keep going to a place you don't love. It's up to you to train your new baby to be OK with being handled/examined. Work on playing with paws, opening their mouth, gentle restraint, etc. I also belive that muzzle training is a good idea. If your dog (any breed!!!!) is ever hurt/painful they might try to bite the vet OR you so having them used to a muzzle is a wonderful thing. Make it positive so going to the vet is no big deal!

    Good Luck with your baby!

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